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skyrim wont load


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I have a plethora of mods and a bashed patch via wyrebash and skyrim just wont start. Have used BOSS to try to fix load order can anyone help me figure out why things arent working. Here is my load order




00  Skyrim.esm

01 Update.esm

02 hideout.esm

03 DeadlyDragons.esm

04 MBMaster.esm

05 Extended Colors.esm

06 DovahLuftHeim.esm

07 EbonyBladeFixed1hMesh.esp

08 EbonyBladeFixed1hE.esp

09 FXFixSW.esp

0A KeeningFix.esp

0B Realistic Lighting - Full.esp

0C BreezehomeEnchantingTable.esp

0D Cowardly essential horses.esp

0E Craftable Artifacts.esp

++ Lost Art of the Blacksmith.esp

0F More Craftables.esp

10 NPC Bartering.esp

11 ValCraftingMeltdownAlpha.esp

12 Dragonbone Weapons.esp

13 Geralt_RavenArmor_v02b.esp

14 GM-LeatherHood.esp [Version 0.2]

15 JSwords.esp

16 Northborn Fur Hoods.esp

17 RingofKhajiit.esp

18 ScoutArmor.esp

19 ScoutArmorAddon1.esp

1A ProjectFrenzy.esp

1B PISE.esp

1C WeaponsOf3E PISE Plugin.esp

++ WiS IV.esp

1D WiS IV - New Equipement for NPC.esp

1E WiS IV - Perks for NPC.esp

1F DeadlyDragonsNormal.esp

20 DeadlyDragonsCraft.esp

21 DeadlyDragonsCreature.esp

22 DeadlyDragonsEF.esp

++ DeadlyDragonsPISE.esp

23 Breezehome1stwing.esp

24 hideout.esp

25 WeightlessAlchemyIngredients.esp

26 WeightlessCraftedPotions.esp

++ WeightlessDragonClaws.esp

++ WeightlessDwemerSmeltables.esp

27 WeightlessFood.esp

28 WeightlessOreIngotsPeltsGems.esp

29 WeightlessPotions.esp

2A WeightlessQuestItems.esp

2B WeightlessScrolls.esp

2C Creaturestatsrevised.esp

2D dD - Easy Lift Bodies and Objects.esp

++ DragonboneWeightReduction(x2)v1.2.esp

2E GetArrowsBack.esp

++ HoodsAndCirclets.esp

2F LegendarySmithingUpgrades.esp

++ LFox Vendors Have Arrows.esp

++ MageFriendlyDragonPriestMasks.esp

30 No Perk Prereqs.esp

31 posesivecorpses.esp

32 RealisticWaterTextures.esp

++ RichMerchants.esp

++ Skyrim Unlimited Rings And Amulets.esp

33 VariousGuardReplacer.esp

++ WiS IV - Double ArrowDamage.esp

34 WiS IV - Werewolf & Vampire.esp

35 dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp

36 MidasSkyrim.esp

37 LetItAllOut.esp

38 DeadlySpellImpacts.esp

39 WiS IV - AI & Spells for NPC - No Knockdown.esp

3A IPutASpellOnYou.esp

3B 75% Skill Speed.esp

3C MBBow.esp

3D MBDagger.esp

3E MBSword.esp

3F TrueYield.esp

40 Uncapped Perks.esp

41 Uncapped Perks - Optional Magic Add-on.esp

42 Races and Doomstones.esp

43 WiS IV - Races.esp

44 Bashed Patch, 0.esp

45 NightingaleBowDmgIncDEFAULT.esp

46 sneaky bow x5.esp

47 CommandAnimal.esp

48 AncientNordArmorBuff.esp

49 DamageEnchantBonus20v2.esp

4A UltimatePotionsPoisons.esp

4B Firewood For Sale.esp

4C Magicka Revamp - Destruction - Scaled Spells - WIP.esp

4D Cooking Mod - Yummy in Your Tummy.esp

4E RealWater.esp

4F LFox Alchemists Have Potions and Poisons.esp

50 hair.esp

51 Extended Hair Colors.esp

52 Extended Colors - Selection.esp

53 WiS IV - Realistic Combat - No Cooldown.esp

54 CustomDragonMasksLight.esp

55 Light Armors.esp

56 Arachnophobia.esp

57 Cowardly essential Frost.esp

58 Cowardly essential Shadowmere.esp

59 xFenWSOWAFW3E.esp

5A CustomDragonMasksLight - JC.esp

5B Darker Nights and Bright Skies.esp

5C WiS IV blood coins slow.esp

5D LFox Alchemists Have Ingredients Ultra.esp




Im at the point now where i think i need to reevaluate if i really need most of these mods to get the most from the game.

Edited by shadowfx78
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Why isn't your bashed patch below the mods BOSS doesn't recognize?


Did you install all (or most) of these mods at once? :facepalm:

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I believe your bashed patch should always go the end of your load order, but you have a lot of mods to say the game really hasn't been out all that long. Some of the mods may be conflicting. Try disabling your bashed esp first and see if your game loads, if it does something may have gone wrong when you created that. If not what was the last mod you installed? try disabling the most recent mods you installed. You've got 2 water mods on there....do they do the same thing?


4e RealWater.esp and 32 RealisticWaterTextures.esp.


Try disabling a few at a time and see if your game loads, then you can isolate if a mod is causing it.


Edit: also are you sure these aren't conflicting?


0B Realistic Lighting - Full.esp

5B Darker Nights and Bright Skies.esp

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