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Sneak hotkey bug


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I have tried searching for a fix to this, but it seems this bug is unheard of - perhaps unique in my case. Perhaps someone can shed some light!

When I attempt to Sneak (hotkey is Ctrl), certain requirements must be met to enter and exit sneak mode:
Entering sneak I must hit forward + sneak (W + Ctrl)
Exiting Sneak can be done either by [W + Ctrl] or standing still and hitting Ctrl

***Everything else will not trigger a chamge in sneak mode***

- Attempting to enter sneak, hitting Ctrl while standing still does nothing.
- any combination of A, S, or D + Ctrl does nothing (will not enter sneak mode)

Exiting Sneak is similar. Only the two combinations listed above will respectfully exit sneak mode but any other combination of movement will not exit sneak.

Possibly strangest bug I have come across, but there it is. Starting a new game does not fix the problem. Any ideas?

I have over 200 mods running and this is the only malfunction in my game (This far)! I can list my mods later but do not know how I can quickly compile the list without typing them out individually. They are bashed and merged, though some very minor changes have been made to mods since merge/bash.

Any and all help would be appreciated!



Update: Found the problem. Combat Behavior Improved - Dodge Addon will do this. Is there another dodge mod that comes recommended?

Edited by Squib85
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