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Fose crashing after some time


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Hello there.




I'm playing Fallout 3 with FWE and many other mods (if there are requests, I can post my Load Order here). First my game crashed every time after leaving Vault 101, so I had to deactivate FWE and its components, load the game, let it load the DLCs and other mods and then activate FWE and everything else again. But then it began to crash after 20-90 minutes. If requested, I can post my load order here, if it helps. I need help! D:


Example: It crashes after some time randomly.


Graphic Card is Geforce GTX 970, Video RAM 16 GB


Game is located in G:/Steam G/steamapps/common/Fallout 3 goty



Game version is and I've got all DLCs

I'm using NMM as Mod Manager and FOSE with its newest Version.


My Load Order is (sorry, I don't use neither LOOT or BOSS):









Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esm



Project Beauty.esm


Point Lookout Reborn.esm




FO3 Wanderers Edition.esm

Mart's Mutant Mod.esm



Project Beauty-Broken Steel.esp

Project Beauty-Point Lookout.esp

dD-Enhanced Blood Textures.esp




UPP-Experience Perks.esp

UPP-Original Perks.esp

UPP-Packt 1.esp

UPP Pack 2.esp

UPP-Quest Perks.esp

UPP-Beverage Perks.esp




WEP Pack 1.esp

WEP Pack 2.esp






Double barreled shotgun fix.esp





Rivet City Merchants with Point Lookout.esp

GNR Enhanced.esp


FO3WanderersEdition-Main File.esp

FO3WanderersEdition-DLC Anchorage.esp

FO3WanderersEdition-DLC The Pitt.esp

FO3WanderersEdition-DLC Broken Steel.esp

FO3WanderersEdition-DLC Point Lookout.esp

FO3WanderersEdition-DLC Mothership Zeta.esp

FO3WanderersEdition-Followers Enhanced (Broken Steel).esp

FO3WanderersEdition-Project BEauty.esp

FO3WanderersEdition-Project Beauty (Follwers Enhanced).esp


WeaponModKits-FWE Master Release

WeaponModKits-Operation Anchorage.esp

WeaponModKits-The Pitt.esp

WeaponModKits-Broken Steel.esp

WeaponModKits-Point Lookout.esp


Mart's Mutant Mod.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod-DLC Anchorage

Mart's Mutant Mod-DLC The Pitt.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod-DLC Broken Steel.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod-DLC Point Lookout.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod-DLC Zeta.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod-Master Menu Module.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod-FWE Master Release

Mart's Mutant Mod-FWE master Release+DLCs.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod-FWE Master Release+Project beauty.esp


RH_IronSights_Vanilla NewWeapons.esp











WMK-RH IronSights.esp

F3Project RealityMkI.esp

Merged Patch.esp

Edited by Crygreg
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Now I've seen that my FPS is drowning extremely down, when I'm looking forward into the far wastes but it's up to 60 FPS, when I'm looking to my feet. And then the game crashed and it had a error message in german:


"Die Anweisung in 0x0000000000086DBA2 verwies auf ARbeitsspeicher bei 0x0000000000000000F. Der Vorgang written konnte im ARbeitsspeicher nicht durchgeführt werden.


Klicken sie auf 'OK', um das Programm zu beenden."


I've also a screen of the error message.

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Now I've seen that my FPS is drowning extremely down, when I'm looking forward into the far wastes but it's up to 60 FPS, when I'm looking to my feet. And then the game crashed and it had a error message in german:


"Die Anweisung in 0x0000000000086DBA2 verwies auf ARbeitsspeicher bei 0x0000000000000000F. Der Vorgang written konnte im ARbeitsspeicher nicht durchgeführt werden.


Klicken sie auf 'OK', um das Programm zu beenden."


I've also a screen of the error message.

Link to the source of mmm?


Are you using a German game?

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Mods built and distributed here are mostly designed to run with the English version of the game, the internal code does not contain any type of translators.


The reason there are types of engines for the games software's negates usage between games..understand?


If you are using FOSE or a type of external code written for English software, your going to have problems with some mods.


There are mod authors that make conversions of language changes for this reason.

I asked about mmm because some of it's content is Embedded into FWE's systems, that mod contains data already listed in your load order but it's all in English.


There for, your running duplicated data. Possibly changes in the scripts, where the meaning in 1 language means Entirely something else in another, yet transcribed to act at the same moment in time and place in the other plugins.


If you disable all mmm plugins at the same spot the issue occurred and look down and it does not crash? you add on 1 plugin at a time until you can replicate the issue on demand.


How ever..if your using nmm as an installer? this can not work as intended, you will require Fomm to obtain a clean diagnostic run thru.


I believe in the readme.txt file for FWE's software packages, there should be a list of the other authors work it contains.


Basically FWE is a co joined mod package of many mods combined as one.


All English made plugins.


No mutants allowed has a lot of information about the differences between these types of mods.


It may indeed run nice but looking down is a camera issue of the data rendering of the plugins. FOSE possibly script issue in language mismatch.


What it means is two sets of data are acting at the same time due too the different languages and so allowed to render at once, where this is detrimental to the fact of how the game is supposed to operate.


You might choose to load each mod plugin into the GECK of the German language and just save each one and test, but use xedit / Fo3edit to view the scripts and verify if there is a cross count data conflict.

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So I will have to patch Fallout 3 to the english version to run smooth? Or is there a functional way to play on german (almost) without crashes?

Here is where it starts: (http://fose.silverlock.org/)


Here is the Language of importance.


FOSE v1.2 beta2 provides support for:

Retail DVD and Steam builds,, both versions of,, and The no-gore version of released in Germany is also supported.

GECK builds and


so it's a matter of regional copies of the games software you have there that makes the differences,


It is wiser to change to whats more common place here than to nit pick the data to death just to attempt to remove what can't be removed.


here on the nexus sites they have all the engines / patches / updates for download on 1 page by an admin for public use.


each engine is different and the results in combination with fose will also fall into that category as well.


If a steam game was the source? your stuck with work around from all of us to fix a conversion due to regional data distribution.


You possibly can start over by replacing the steam download from a new install of steam, which is easy.


the server retains your purchases so you can not loose what you bought, but can choose to use a different version of the game that way.

It may depend on where your @ ? :geek:

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