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Creating buildable terminals


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So, I tried turning some of the terminal meshes from the Fallout4 - Meshes.ba2 into buildable terminals. I figured out most of the stuff, like, how to actually make them buildable, how to add connection nodes in nifscope, etc. My problem is: the blinking cursor and the ">" visible on the screen are still visible when using the terminal:


(between the "e" and the "l")


What I did was basically copying objects like "DefaultTerminalConsoleOn", giving them all the workshop keywords, then opening the corresponding mesh with nifscope, adding the connection point, saving it under a new name, and pointing the copied object towards it. Seeing how no such problems occur in the actual game, I'm confused as to what I did wrong.


Also, these terminals I added seemed to be especially prone to the "Initializing..." bug. Is this some sort of a known issue with modded terminals?

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Made a mod doing this. Check it out and see if it helps.

I learned a few things from analyzing your mod. And, LOL, I indeed figured it out: it was the fault of NifScope's "Auto Sanitize on Save". It renamed the last BSTriShape from ScreenType:0 to something else. Turning it off and renaming the trishape back fixed it. Thank you!

Edited by pra
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