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2 ideas that at first do not seem connected. I posted this on Beth Net but I know the most talented mod creators are here and I use both anyway.


1.) Broken Glass.


We can break glass like in reality. Noise created by stepping on broken glass can give away locations of someone trying to be sneaky and can give away our locations. Stealth suite and Night Kin can be noticed thanks to this. Punch through a window Jack Reacher style, shoot through a dirty window while know one on the out side can really see you, allowing you to get the drop on them. An explosion on one side of a window will send glass shards the opposite direction which can be deadly & a new tactic. Gas weapons like nerve agents are more potent in a building that it cant escape from ( window ) but tossed through a window will allow the tosser to remain relatively unharmed in comparison.


2.) Real Reactions


In Sky Rim, I remember the fun I had sneaking up above a camp of ass holes with a bow and firing off a bolt into a tree. Most would go to investigate leaving one or two behind which I would dispatch quietly with said Bow. When their palls returned to find the 2 down, they would panic and fumble making it more humorous when they discovered 2 more down.


I understand that a suppressor isn't the same. There are factors to take into account like muzzle flare and proximity. But there must be something better then what we have got now. The only real accurate response is from the Super Mutants. If a tight group of five suffers a casualty the other 4 will see the body go down with a shot to the back . Then it makes sense they know where the shooter is,

( with in reason ) . If that same group of five is spread out and the last one in the group goes down, the other 4 may not know for 2 min. There buddy would just be gone... They may be worried about him or her, worried about themselves & will the same thing happen to them... Or they wont care and could even believe they just ran off like a cowered. Thats quite a lot to do, but the reaction to location and hearing the shot is the most important thing needing to be ... given a check up. As it is, You can be on a the roof of a 20 floor building in the dark during a thunder and lightning rad storm while those below are fighting off a behemoth, and the moment you take one down, the raiders, gunners or who ever; will turn like the Borg in unison & begin shooting at you. ( its not that bad but close ) . Anyone think these are good ideas?

Edited by RhinoL3
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