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Dual Wield hotkey fix with CK?


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glad to have someone on my side..LOL :D


okay...so far i only found in the object window when i looked into a weapon on the item category list,in the edit window,i can find on the top right corner there's an option to change equip type which there are several options:

1. both hand

2. either hand

3. left-hand

4. right-hand

5. voice


so i figured maybe this can be used to change the default equip item which is always signed to the right hand...this is all i have found so far...now the next step is to find what should i be looking for if i want to change the actor (us) so that everytime we have,example:

1. steel sword

2. steel mace


when we press 1 we equip steel sword and after that we press 2 the mace didn't replace the sword..and not only on designated item that we edit thru the kit,but thru all the game system..so maybe if the hotkey button didn't read the weapon as a shield it can automatically let the left hand wield the 2nd weapon...


what do you guys think??any suggestions or ideas?

Edited by cikuwh
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