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Script to move NPC to location when fast traveling instead of travelling with player


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I'm trying to get an NPC to follow the player but NOT fast travel with them. I can get them to follow the player using Ai packages but they always fast travel with the player which I don't want


Instead when the player fast travels , the NPC should travel to a marker that I've already placed


Is there a simple script someone could write that would warp the NPC to my Xmarker whenever the player fast travels?

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EDIT:I totally misread that.

Disregard the following. =/


I *want* to say it was to do your package with the player as reference to follow (by certain distance), but *uncheck* 'treat as follower', that should force them to walk (or run depending on preferred speed) to you.

...but it's early and I'm still half asleep. ;-)


Try it from a cell or 2 away to check.

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Ok the package didn't have "treat as follower" checked on anything as default, I tried changing it by checking "treat as follower" to see what would happen but it made no difference


I'm happy with the way the package works, I just don't want the NPC to fast travel with me


I also have "warp on fast travel" false but that didn't work either

Edited by thelonewarrior
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