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[LE] Can skin texture be changed via a spell?


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Wondering if it is possible to change the femalebody_1.dds and femalebody_0.dds whilst in-game. In my Tiefling mod the main character has to hide her Tiefling identity when entering populated areas so that she doesn't get attacked. I would like to make the morph sequence more realistic so that she changes skin type from Nox skin to Mature kin. Is this possible?


Alternatively, could the skin textures be turned into 'armor' that could be worn, thus giving the effect of changing the base skin?


Any thoughts would be appreciated.




Edited by dePog
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The skin textures are used by a TextureSet entry which is assigned to the SkinNaked armor addon and consequently applied to the SkinNaked armor (beast races follow a similar setup). Thus the default body is already an 'armor'. Any mesh/texture combo for a body could be set up as a separate playable 'armor' and swapped around as needed (or even as unplayable armor and swapped via spell or script). The only big issue would be if the skin textures used for the various bodies matches the texture used on the head.

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Sooo... that would lead me to ask, can the head texture be changed in-game?


Alternatively, could another complete body be swapped for the existing body in a similar fashion to becoming a vampire lord or a werewolf?


EDIT: hmmmm... looking at the spells that change your character into a werewolf or vampire lord, you need the magic effect archtype of werewolf or vampire lord. That would mean I would have to create a new effect archtype of Tiefling. Is that possible?

Edited by dePog
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