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Bethesda texture pack vs Skyrim HD 2k Textures


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I use the .ini trick - not really a trick just removing the pack from the .esp's and loading it in the .ini [archive] sections for the .bsa overwrite of the high res pack


I then use most of my mods as before, I went through each one after uninstalling all the mods and reinstalling only those not addressed or not "enough" by the bethesda res pack


When it came to the Skyrim HD pack...most of the textures I didn't use to begin with (most are overwritten with other mods), so I extracted the winrar archive of the main folder and deleted everything except most of the landscape textures which are superior to the bethesda HD ones


Now everything is in super HD glory


My own personal balance...your mileage may vary but the game is exactly how I want to view it now...

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There are many textures that 2K does not cover that the official texture pack does. Having both active is the best option.

Sadly it is not, the Pack is ESP controlled so it forces the use of the BSA textures over those on the /data ... what for it's time plays havoc on body and face textures... be prepared for a real mess if using them.


To me for now, the solution is disabling the two ESPs from the pack until a real solution to the "problem" is found.



There is a fix on here already. You enable the BSA's in the ini file and disable the ESP's so that other mods can override what they need to.

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I like 2k's textures better because they are original. Beth textures are just increased resolution vanilla textures. Ever since I installed the DLC pack, I've been getting a lot of freezes and CTD so I finally uninstalled it. I think it's because of my processor (core 2 duo) can't process the textures fast enough
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2k pack

after i got the 4GB patch from SR nexus and i dont get any CTD

but thats just me

i wont even try the official one untill they done more work on it the game's a good job but i can see the work gone into it was rushed probably money driven deadline

they could do with sorting out some clipping issues aswell.

need some screen shots to compare.

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