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Anyone else feel like Skyrim is about to begin?


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I played Skyrim a bit when it first released, but the low-quality textures and the lack of the creation kit combined with the insane hype (which no game, not even Skyrim, could live up to) stopped me from really getting in to it. I dabbled a bit. I had one good profile, and about six others which I used to explore different classes and races and guilds. It was pretty fun, but it wasn't the amazing game I expected. I never really role-played, and the world felt limited by the vanilla content. Every stunningly low-res shirt and horrid, blocky shadow pulled me back to reality. I was dissapointed by the bad AI and shallow characters.


Since Skyrim has released, though, I've downloaded the best mods from the nexus. With the help of Xenius's wonderful mods and a few others, npcs now look very good. Landscape, buildings, shadows, clothing- all have been fixed. New weapons have been added. Now that the construction set is out and the game looks great, modders can begin adding more to game play and world itself. It won't be long before every great feature you ever wanted in Skyrim will indeed be added.


It's funny, it almost feels like Skyrim didn't release on 11/11/11. It feels like the real Skyrim, the Skyrim we all envisioned, is at last on the cusp of creation. I haven't actually played the game in a while- mostly I've been searching for and testing mods. But I have such faith in the nexus mod community, soon I don't think I'll have any trouble journeying back into the war-wracked realm of Skyrim and all the promise it contains.

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Yea i agree too, the games never really 'come alive' till mods come out like a storm on the horizon.


I myself have tons of mods and i had a char up to level 43 but i quit as i got too bored and it was way too easy on master, iv not played the game in over a month as iv been on other games. maybe i should return soonish

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Mods are awesome but you guys act like the original game was crap all. Mods open the game up to all kinds of possibilities but you don't have to knock what Bethesda released as if it was complete trash. And yes the graphics could have been higher def but I can't understand anyone complaining the the graphics aren't good.


I am excited about the mod possibilities also but that doesn't mean the game wasn't great to begin with.

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Perhaps the people complaining about the low textures use larger/multiple monitors? I wouldn't know. I'm on 1280x1024 on a 4 year old desktop so high res textures doesn't do much for me.


Spell creation and weapon degradation I do miss but attributes; no so much. I would love to see an acrobatics mod that increases jump distances, reduces fall damage and allows the player to perform actual acrobatics as perks.


In any case, I'm sure we can agree that most people are ready to move on from vanilla Skyrim or they wouldn't be so excited that the CK is finally out.

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Skyrim by itself is not a great game; Most games these days aren't great games. But then you add modding support and boom, your game's lifespan will, at the bare minimum, double, if not more.


Games that offer extensive modding support (such as all of Bethesda's games) seem to be only created as a base for modders, because the games themselves aren't always that great, to be honest (I'm not saying games like Fallout 3 or Skyrim are bad, just that their were definite improvements that could've been made during initial development).


Also, I understand that Skyrim's visuals may not be as good as every other game on the market today, but I've always considered it to be a trade-off: Would you rather the developers spend more time fiddling with the graphics, or more time with the gameplay or storyline?


We might one day play games that actually look real, but if they're not fun to play, what does it matter? Games are meant to played, not just watched (which is still an aspect, of course).

Edited by MrTastix
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