number23scorpio Posted April 18, 2017 Share Posted April 18, 2017 Hey guys. My name is James. My Skyrim has once again been f***ed! I do not know why, one minute it was ok, the other minute i reinstalled some mods, and it went to hell. I tried to verify the cache but it still does not work. Any idea? My plugin list is below, already cleaned, LOOTed and bash patched: Skyrim.esmUpdate.esmDawnguard.esmHearthFires.esmDragonborn.esmSkyrim Project Optimization - Full Version.esmUnofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.espFalskaar.esmWyrmstooth.espLanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esmnotice board.espCampfire.esmGray Fox Cowl.esmJSwords.esmEFFCore.esmRSkyrimChildren.esmdaymoyl.esmSomeguySeries.esmRaceCompatibility.esmCutting Room Floor.espJSwords_Load_Screens.espvAutosaveManager.espFISS.espWeapons & Armor Fixes_Remade.espELFX SMIM - All.espLegacyoftheDragonborn.espDeadlyDragons.espSkyUI.espRaceMenuMorphsCBBE.espRaceMenu.espdD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.espRaceMenuPlugin.espModern Brawl Bug Fix.espRealisticWaterTwo - All.espTrueStorms.espWondersofWeather.espAMatterOfTime.espiHUD.espRelationship Dialogue Overhaul.espWarmongerArmory_Vanilla.espDeadlySpellImpacts.espdD - Enhanced Blood Main.espNS_HuntingGroundsOutfit.espCiriOutfit.espNS_Eilhart_Dress.espEnchantedArsenal.espConvenient Horses.espFootprints.espWhen Vampires Attack.espChesko_WearableLantern.espAcquisitiveSoulGemMultithreaded.espBetter Stealth AI for Followers.espUltimateCombat.espVioLens.espAchieveThat.espUIExtensions.espHeadtracking.espDYNAVISION Dynamic Depth of Field.espReduced Distance NPC Greetings.espAtlas Compass Tweaks.espTradeBarter.espHothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp12FemaleBrows.espBVFE_Serana.espKS Hairdo's.espTheEyesOfBeauty.espThe Eyes Of Beauty - Elves Edition.espBrows.espTrueBrows.espBeards.espFreckleMania.espJaxonzRenamer.esp3DNPC.espTes Arena - Skyrim Frontier Fortress.espWyrmstoothTweak - All.espFalskaar - Notice Board.espClothing & Clutter Fixes.espaMidianBorn_ContentAddon.espComplete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.espWetandCold.espWetandCold - Ashes.espTes Arena -Skyrim Cities.espethereal_elven_overhaul.espImmersive Sounds - All.espDawnofSkyrim-AllMajorCities.espRealShelter.espHelgen Reborn.espSkyHavenTempleEnhanced.espBetterDarkBrotherhood.espSoS - The Wilds.espThunderchild - All.espSoS - Civilization.espRealisticNeedsandDiseases.espSoS - The Dungeons.espMoonAndStar_MAS.espUndeath.espHothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.espImmersive Weapons.espWeaponsArmorFixes_ImmersiveWeapons_Patch.espSPTConsistentOlderPeople.espRebirth Monster - All.espDruidessentials.espHebrock_Der Schatten von Meresis - EV.espSkyrimSewers.espWarmongerArmory_DLC.espWarmongerArmory_LeveledList.espCOS WIC - All.espAtlas Legendary.espRDO - EFF v4.0.2 Patch.espEFFDialogue.espPerfect Legionnaire - Troops Re-equipment.espBetterMagic_FULL.espDeadlyMutilation.espRSPatch.esphothtrooper44_ArmorPatch.espwizDynamicThings.espOpulentOutfits_AIO-2016.espUndeath Immersive Lichdom V3.espRaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.espCFTO.espTheFrontier.espRun For Your Lives.espSMIM-SE-Merged-All.espDragonmournInn.espTheDomain.espLong lost smelters by Hyralux.esplilithstools.espAdalMatar.espSofiaFollower.espJSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.espImmersive Patrols II.espkonahrik_accoutrements.espBloodOfTheNord.espFrostfall.espAgentOfRighteousMight.espDawnguardArsenal.espBosmerArmorMATY743.espRoderickRedbeard.espTES ARENA AIO-Clutting-patch.espForgottenCity.espRDO - Cutting Room Floor Patch.espChampion of Kynareth.espWheelsOfLull.esp3DNPC Alternative Locations.espSave the Dark Brotherhood!.espAesirArmor.espdaymoyl_DawnguardAddon.espPrvtIRoyalArmory.espThe Paarthurnax Dilemma.espFaction Crossbows.espzzArmormashups.espLeftHandRings.espkonahrik_accoutrements_db.espArtifactsOfBoethiah.espDBM Patch - All.espStealth Skills Rebalanced_COMPLETE.espMasters of Death.espCrit Fix - All.espUnique Uniques.espMoonAndStar - Patch.espPaladinArtifactsAndArmor.espSwordOfSigdan.espBlackSacramentArmor.espEquipping Overhaul.espWrath Of Nature.espApocalypse - The Spell Package.espBigger Badder Lich King Version 2.0.espLustmordVampireArmor.espDaedric Reaper Armor.espDynamicStealth.espDead Body Collision.espSmithing Perks Overhaul_Remade.espAetheriumSwordsnArmor.esp3DNPC Don't Call Me Dragonborn.espColovianNobleClothes_FineClothesReplacer.espCharacter Creation Overhaul.espCCO - Diverse Races And Genders.espCCO - Dynamic Skill Progression.espAsharaPrinceOfTheWoods.espFantasy Soundtrack Project.espDread Knight Weapon Set.espFarinelli's Redguard Armoury.espVelvetRobesandCloaks.espPredator Vision.espFor the Brotherhood Daggers.espDragonCarvedArmorSet.espBlack Mage Armor.espDawnguardArsenal_CCOR Compatibility Patch.espLeftHandRings - Dawnguard.espLeftHandRings_1stPersonView.espBosmer Armor Pack - Jenassa Fix.espDVA - Dynamic Vampire Appearance.espAlternate Start - Live Another Life.espAlternate Start -- New Beginnings.espda_alternate_start_extension.espSalmon Shack - LAL.espBashed Patch, 0.espASIS-Dependency.esp Thanks a bunch! 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Algabar Posted April 18, 2017 Share Posted April 18, 2017 What exactly do you mean by "can not start"? Unable to launch the game at all? Crash on Bethesda Logo? Crash on loading a save game? Depending on when a CTD occurs, there are different things to consider. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
number23scorpio Posted April 19, 2017 Author Share Posted April 19, 2017 What exactly do you mean by "can not start"? Unable to launch the game at all? Crash on Bethesda Logo? Crash on loading a save game? Depending on when a CTD occurs, there are different things to consider.I am sorry for the ranting and not providing enough info. I was just so frustrated. Uhm, I could not get past the main screen logo. It showed the logo and then it said skyrim had a problem so it can not start. Not even got into the main menu.I also use the Save game manager and there is a problem with autosave, as in I could hardly load an autosave without a CTD. Loading a hard manual save has no problem though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Overlord69 Posted April 21, 2017 Share Posted April 21, 2017 If you are crashing at the logo, then that indicates you have a missing file dependency be it a .esm or .esp file. Your mod manager should tell you that in the plugins section. As for crashing when loading the save game, one possible cause is that you have saved in an area where alot of scripts are activated, yes auto saves can defiantly do this at the wrong time. Another reason is that you may have loaded alot of animations into the game and can cause issues while loading. I used to use Save Game Manager but it was actually causing issues for me regarding ctds. You can use this mod Continue No Game No Crash which imo is an underrated mod that really should be used in a heavy modded game. Do note that it will take up a load order slot but it's highly worth it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlackElf12 Posted April 23, 2017 Share Posted April 23, 2017 Anyone know if there is a mod to fix the error that I'm having? Is a bug that does not let me do anything with the right hand but my mouse has no problem works perfectly in other games if there is some mod know how to solve this problem? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
forskyrimmods Posted April 23, 2017 Share Posted April 23, 2017 Download and install If you are using mod organizer then run TES5edit through mod organizer otherwise just run it normally. When you open TES5edit you will see Master\Plugin selection. Just click ok It might take a while to load but if there are any errors in your load order or any errors with plugins TES5edit will say something like - "[00:09] Background Loader: Fatal: <Exception: "WeaponsArmorFixes_ImmersiveWeapons_Patch.esp" requires master "Immersive Weapons.esp" to be loaded before it.>" Run the program and just post any errors you have. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
number23scorpio Posted May 3, 2017 Author Share Posted May 3, 2017 Download and install If you are using mod organizer then run TES5edit through mod organizer otherwise just run it normally. When you open TES5edit you will see Master\Plugin selection. Just click ok It might take a while to load but if there are any errors in your load order or any errors with plugins TES5edit will say something like - "[00:09] Background Loader: Fatal: <Exception: "WeaponsArmorFixes_ImmersiveWeapons_Patch.esp" requires master "Immersive Weapons.esp" to be loaded before it.>" Run the program and just post any errors you have. If you are crashing at the logo, then that indicates you have a missing file dependency be it a .esm or .esp file. Your mod manager should tell you that in the plugins section. As for crashing when loading the save game, one possible cause is that you have saved in an area where a lot of scripts are activated, yes auto saves can defiantly do this at the wrong time. Another reason is that you may have loaded a lot of animations into the game and can cause issues while loading. I used to use Save Game Manager but it was actually causing issues for me regarding ctds. You can use this mod Continue No Game No Crash which imo is an underrated mod that really should be used in a heavy modded game. Do note that it will take up a load order slot but it's highly worth it. Thank you for your suggestion, but they do not apply to me. Like I said, I ctd before the menu showed up, only the dragon logo showed up. There was a popup that said "Skyrim has stopped working", thats all. I tried to verify cache multiple times but it did not work. I used xedit to check for mod dependency but there was no error, either. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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