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Adding properties, permanent?


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I added a change onto a script, and now it seems to have carried over into the esm?


What exactly does this mean? Any script changes are permanent? Do I have to now include custom scripts and etc to my package if I upload a mod?

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Attention Modders! If you change any scripts that are not added by the esp, they do affect the .esm! At least that is how it is looking to me. Proceed with caution. :thumbsup:

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I don't think it carried over into the esm but rather I think there's only one source repository for scripts. Be sides if I remember correctly all the default scripts are stored in the misc.bsa, so what you did was overwrite your creation kit's script's source and likely compiled a loose file version of the script in "..\skyrim\Data\Scripts". Not sure of the best way to get the original back except maybe doing a cache verify on the kit.



There might be a copy of the original in "..\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\backup"

Edited by Ocyris
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You're 100% right. I tested it a few minutes ago. scripts used to be included in the .esp... they don't seem to be carrying over as far as I know... This is a major concern...


yeah it's all about that folder. This is a huge issue... People will possibly have conflicting scripts and overwrite other people's work... is there no way to tie these into the .esp's or something?


Actually I think to finish a mod you have to create an archive which does it for you I suppose. Look at the auto-uploader to steam, it wants the .esp and an archive...

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Nah I figured it out. When you change a file, it keeps the original in the source folder. But you need to have your script in the scripts folder under data. when you package your mod, it packages all the associated scripts with it, so they don't get jumbled with other that aren't in your mod. Or at least that's how i hope it works.
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