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Your reasons are your own but the justifications that came to me are as follows:


1) I'm a totally bad-ass misanthropic hermit who simply doesn't want to be bothered.


2) I've made a lot of powerful enemies and I REALLY need to disappear.


3) I'm a ghoul and I love the radiation.


That said...removal of the flooding and expansion of the area beyond the Garage Door (as much is possible) would be ideal.

Edited by GrimReapers1
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howdy, that is an interesting idea.

that's some great lore and FORPG options there too.

That describes General Preston when he's not near murkwater or somerville,

he'd probably be out in the wastes, at least, that's where I stationed him.


you may be pleasantly surprised by "Red Rocket Working Settlements" (ModID# 10743) mod,

which adds just such a location already.

All base FO4 Red Rockets become player settlements.

there was a plan for that mod to maybe clear some of the area near that sunken Red Rocket,

or add some 'Pompeii" style "coolant leak plume" and ossified people near there huddled around etc.


as for the rest:



you might enjoy this thread, the snippet that Steve40 and Shavkacagarikia made is of use perhaps?



that'll get rid of that water.


you may also want to use "any door to anywhere"

and some new lands bunker or subterranean mods.

just incase you need some egress options, when those BoS folks come knocking.


you could use a greekrage 'secret door' or camouflage trashpile entrance, and put an elevator behind that, etc.

if you didn't alter the exterior too much, they might not come looking there hehe.

holographic entryways would be sweet for top-side,

make it look like a dilapidated lean-to, though it has a large elevator or something...

deployable cage doors on that scrap pile would also be an awesome security feature.


Jetsteele also has a very cool teleport project,

you could "rad-eport" out in an emergency, say to further in to the glowing sea or elsewhere.

glowing ones and their superpowers.

"they got that ghoul-ish touch, everything they touch turns to rads!"




I hope there's some options there for in the meantime,

so as you can make your vision for the "Glowing Sea Ruined Rocket" settlement

more of a Children of Atom/Ghoul-topia!

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OK I looked at that Red Rocket Safehouses and noted 2 bug reports that are highly likely to affect me as well. Additionally this mod no longer seems to be supported and hasn't been updated in nearly a year.


A shame, really. It was pretty much what I was looking for but it's not worth risking breaking my saves over.


Thanks for the reply though! It's much appreciated.

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OK I looked at that Red Rocket Safehouses and noted 2 bug reports that are highly likely to affect me as well. Additionally this mod no longer seems to be supported and hasn't been updated in nearly a year.


A shame, really. It was pretty much what I was looking for but it's not worth risking breaking my saves over.


Thanks for the reply though! It's much appreciated.


I use both Place Everywhere and Safehouses, and haven't had a problem with the RR at Sanctuary. Apparently the bugs being reported have to do with it renaming the Sanctuary RR. Renaming it back to vanilla in FO4Edit should fix that pretty easily.

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Turns out I'm not using that Place Anywhere mod after all.


I'd forgotten that I stopped using it when it didn't do the one thing I was hoping it would (knowing full well it never claimed it would) which was to allow me to build barns and so forth that are actually flush with the ground and don't absofkinglutey INSIST on floating. Uh first rule of construction, guys... maybe level the EFFING ground before laying the foundation? (Still trying to find a fix for that one, but I digress..)


Also as I'm not using the original RR as a settlement...just my main base of operations, the breaking of the "defend" quest isn't really an issue as there is no settlement there to defend.


I've also taken the "uh-DUH" precaution of backing up my saves.


I'm gonna give this a whirl but at this time it seems there is no mod I can download to drop a pump there to drain the water.. just scripting info. I've queried Medizy about it in the thread you supplied me the link to and I'm gonna give it a few days or so to see what happens. In the meantime I'll check out what IS doable.


I'm not too good at scripting but as the data is there for me to copy / paste I may do just that if the item doesn't end up being made available as an installable mod.

Edited by GrimReapers1
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