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How to do a "total conversion" ?


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Now that the CK is out, I want to create a mod which stands alone from Skyrim proper. In other words, I want the player to load the mod, start the game, they have to hit "New Game" on the main menu, and then it'll plop them down in my mod as a brand new character. The world map should be distinct and you can't access the vanilla Skyrim content at all.


Does anyone know how to do this? Is it possible?



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I agree with what was said above about the scripts. Until you or someone else figures that out, alternatively you can press the tilde key at the game menu and enter in "cow" with out quotes followed by the name of your worldspace and coordinates, as an example cow Tamriel 4 -11 will start your game at Riverwood. From there you could then use the tilde key and type showracemenu to set up your char. Certainly having the proper scripts and being able to start a new game normally would be better but its something you can use for testing at least. Many people have mentioned doing total conversion mods and I imagine someone will post information eventually on how the starting location is changed. Godd luck with your project.
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