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(wip) missing in action quest fix


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I'm having a little trouble.


using the newly released skyrim creation kit; I was able to get a look at the quest.


I nailed the problem with general tullius and made it so you have to simply join the legion for him to give you the letter provided you opted to look for a peaceful solution.

But I can't figure out how to make the thalmor guard recognize that I have the letter and give me the option of giving it to him. any ideas?

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I haven't looked into this particular quest, but make sure that receiving the letter updates the quest stage appropriately. Then, you should be able to make that particular conversation topic conditional on the quest being at that stage. This section may be helpful -- basically, you're not looking for the letter to be in the player's inventory, but rather receiving the letter sets the quest stage, and the guard's dialogue is then triggered by the quest stage.
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I tried that. I created a new quest stage and objective stage for tullius handing over the letter. I get the letter and it switchs to the quest stage I added earlier. I made the guard dialogue conditional on the new quest stage but it didn't show up.


here is my my esp:

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I also have trouble with this quest so I searched a lot and the only useful info I found is in this thread:



The suggestion for solution of the Thalmor guard not receiving the order is at the end of the thread. It would be awesome if you manage to fix this quest.


Good luck and hope this information will be in some use.

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"The reason you can’t give the order from Tullius to the guard at Northwatch is because the dialogue is in the wrong order. The dialogue option that checks for possession of the order (000524D3) is below the standard “now move along” dialogue (000524D2). I’m guessing that if they were inverted, this bit would work."


This has promis although I don't really understand it.

I did however figure out that you can't touch the objectives or stages otherwise the scripts don't work.

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I got it so tullius will give you the letter and the justicar will accept it(.lip and voice also) but the associated script for the justicar doesn't fire.

basically, Your added to the MS09PlayerAllyFaction and stage is set from 40 to 55 but nothing happens. The guard doesn't lead you to Thorald and the enemy attacks you(thus failing the objective).


the dialogue for giving the order has this in the "begin" box:



MS09QuestScript MS09Script = GetOwningQuest() as MS09QuestScript





The script that's being called by the above:



Scriptname MS09NonCombatTrigger1Script extends ObjectReference


Quest Property MS09 Auto


Faction Property MS09PlayerAllyFaction Auto



Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference ActionRef)


if ActionRef == Game.GetPlayer()


Game.GetPlayer().SetFactionRank (MS09PlayerAllyFaction, 0)


if MS09.GetStage() == 40


elseif MS09.GetStage() == 50







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from what I've determined, it would require some script reworking to make the peaceful solution work. namely:


1. making the guard lead you to thorald.

2. Not be attacked by the thalmor

3. and not failing objectives that shouldn't be failing.


I've added my file incase anybody wants to use it as a base for the finished product just make sure to credit me.

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