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Skyrim character's running around without their bottom parts and my unpbb is not working


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http://i.imgur.com/aPMEG4i.jpgSo uh, I am kinda new modding and using this forum and I believe I kinda screwed up on something. Can someone help?

So I screwed when I installed installed various things like "Animated Dragon Wings" and "Real Flying mod". After I realize that problem. I uninstalled it.

When I came back to the game. This happened to my character and the rest of the characters (no bottom for skyrim-based armors and my unpbb is "disabled")


When I uninstalled and reinstall Dimonized UNPBB, Pretty face, UNP Tender hands. Nothing changed.

I started from Dimonized -> UNPBB -> Tender Hand -> Pretty Face.


Please Help!

(I'm using UNP-tuned armor mods. (Immersive, Vanilla, Dragonborn, Dawnguard and Barbarian armor))

Is reinstalling Skyrim necessary?

Is it because I installed the unp stuff in the wrong order? btw, the males are also having the same problem too.http://i.imgur.com/YmvGdNW.jpg

Even my charcter looks like this :sad: just unequipped resplendant armor)
Edit: I tried a different approach, XMPSE (Installed the requirements), Dimonized -> gets overwritten by UNPBB ( NSFW and BBP and texture) ->unp tender hand -> pretty face. (I reinstall and used skse after launching vanilla skyrim)
Am I missing anything?
Edited by Raymondpek
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Invisible body parts normally means missing meshes. So probably something went wrong with the installation process. What mod manager are you using? And what about other mods - can you install them?


In general, I'd recommend reinstalling your body mod. No need to reinstall Skyrim as a whole - we're talking about a limited problem with body meshes and textures here.


Your order of installation is correct, except for two things: UNPBB is standalone, you don't need to install UNP first. Only reason why you might want to install it first is its textures. XPMSE should always be last in installation order. It MUST overwrite everything it wants to and it should be placed as low as possible in your load order.


If you want any type of physics body, you should also download, install and use FNIS: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/11811/?


Since you're not so experienced in modding, I wouldn't play around with custom hand meshes or separate face textures. You CAN try that later, but first you should get the base body to work. So focus on getting UNPBB and XPMSE to work. That's the first step. If you managed that, you can continue with other stuff.


On a sidenote (maybe something to try later on, too): Standalone versions of different UNP body types (like UNPBB) are in fact outdated. You can get (almost) any UNP body type now with "UUNP - Unified UNP", which comes together with "bodyslide": http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49015/?

Since bodyslide requires some getting used to it (although ist really easy and intuitive to use), I wouldn't recommend it for the beginning. Just a heads-up for later.

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