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OnActivate block without getting up


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I'm trying to have several buttons that each do different things that the player can activate from a chair. The problem is that using activators with an OnActivate block makes the player stand up when they're pressed.


So far, I've come up with a workaround using (non havoked) misc items with OnAdd blocks, and it works, but it adds more to the scripts, extra meshes, and with the HUD on says take the object (and displays the misc items' weights and values) so I'd rather have a better solution.


The other stipulation is that the actions need to be instantaneous (so using a terminal for example, won't work)


Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks.

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This isn't for your creature car is it ? I'm just guessing you couldn't be riding it without disabling player controls : movement flag , which also disables the Activate control.


So off hand I would say forget about having the player actually sitting , and if you must have a pair of legs being seen. Then make a chair mesh with legs covering the seat leaving the collision out of it. And the player can just stand there looking like the legs are theirs.


Also of note , is that grabbing an item with the Z key , does not make the player stand up. So you could use an "OnGrab" block ... plus then you could set up some levers to move around and use "getangle" ???

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Nah, I'd just use IsKeyPressed (or whatever it actually is) with an 'or' for one of the lutana's controller button functions for that, maybe have the levers as anim statics and just trigger the animations with playgroup for that.


This is for something I think is much cooler, but others may disagree. It's one of my big overexcited noob impossible mod ideas that's not impossible at all anymore, just a lot of work, so my opinion is pretty biased about it.


In this case, I'm not limited to being in the chair, but I'd rather not be limited *from* being in the chair.

Edited by uhmattbravo
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