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Survival Rifle (Mini 14/30


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I'm wondering if anyone would be interested in making a lore friendly Mini 14 style rifle in the vein of the "Service Rifle" from Fallout NV (M16) or the R91 (G3/CETME), Chinese Assault Rifle or Handmade Rifle (AK-47/74) dubbing it the Survival Rifle in honor of its affiliation with survivalists and preppers alike (hell, I own a model in 6.8 SPC II). It would provide a nice alternative from the tacticool rifles everyone makes without being immersion breaking (which is why I like the M1 Garand, M1 Carbine, BAR, and other similar mods that are a throwback to weapons of the style and era and I feel that the Mini would do so without breaking the immersion and besides, at there are a host of aftermarket accessories and finishes you can get positively medieval with aftermarket stocks, optics, rails, and the like and you could even make a unique variant based on the AC556 (fully automatic variant) plus you could populate Fallout with both .223 and 7.62x39 variants of the rifle integrated with the see through sight mods.


Suggested Mods:


The standard gamut of standard through improved



Short: improved hip fire

Long: Improved sighted accuracy, reduced hip rife accuracy

Short Stabilizied:

Long Stabilized:


Wooden Stock: Standard stock

Synthetic Stock: Provides a simple weight reduction

Underfolding Stock: Improved hip fire and Recoil control based on the old AC556 stock.

Tactical Stock: The Clyde Armory Scar Stock, better hip-fire accuracy, better recoil control, added weight due to the steel quad rail.

Marksman Stock: The Promag Archangel Precision Stock, improved sighted accuracy, superior recoil control, increased weight, reduced hip fire accuracy


Standard Sights: Pretty Obvious, just iron sights.

Glow Sights: Improved accuracy.

Reflex Sights (with options for forward or rear mounting)

Combat Sight 2x through 4X (your standard ACOG style, could use the model from the Handmade Rifle)

Scout Optic 4-8X: Forward mounted optic with long eye relief providing increased accuracy.

Low-High magnification day and night optics as well.


Low Capacity Mag and Quick Mag: 10 rounds

Medium Capacity Mag and Quick Mag: 20 Rounds

Standard Capacity Mag and Quick Mag: 30 Rounds

High Cap Magazine: 40 Rounds


Stainless or Blued Finish (cosmetic)


Muzzle Devices:

Muzle Brake


Suppressor (pretty standard)

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Few more pics. Anyone interested get a hold of me and I'll be happy to provide more photos and context.

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