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Looking for a good medium-sized house


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Among the abundance of house mods, I find it surprisingly difficult to find an actually *good* house for my character. (Or, perhaps, not surprisingly, since around 90% of them are just another Personal Vault / Shelter.)


Therefore, if anyone knows of a mod they could recommend for me, I would really appreciate it!


What I am looking for in a house is:


Medium sized:

Somewhat larger then basic Megaton / Tenpenny apartments, with enough of elbow room. I don’t like overly large houses, but I also want a house feel like a *house*, not just a place to store loot and sleep.


Lived-in feel:

Again, I would like it to feel like a house you can live in, not to have technological vault-like interior or dirty and messy interior of wasteland houses.


In short, I would prefer for the house to look like it belongs to someone who cares where he lives and does his best to repair and clean the house, but doesn’t really have access to vault-grade technology.


One or two in-door areas:

Just like I don’t like overly large houses, I don’t like houses made of too many in-door areas. And fully outdoor houses just don’t feel right for me: I don’t really feel at home there.


Ideally, I would prefer two-area house: the house itself where my character would live (with bedroom, kitchen, living room, bathroom, etc.) and a basement with lockets for storing gear, workbench and other things that wouldn’t fit in with the house. Only one area works well enough, though, as long as it has several containers for gear and enough free space to feel comfortable.



Goes without saying, I guess.



I am using Fellout mod, which makes interiors notably darker. So, I would prefer for my house to have enough light, so that I wouldn’t have to use Pipboy’s light.


Nothing too lore-breaking:

Like weather control facility, green trees and grass for no apparent reason, or pristine pre-war house and interior in the middle of the wasteland.


In short, I am looking for a house that truly feels like home. Does anyone have any suggestions?


(Mind you, I have been looking though the Nexus thoroughly for anything that would fit me, but I still want to ask in case if there was a good mod I overlooked.)

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