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Nifscope CPA Animation


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That is definitely an interesting idea. So you want to be able to snap an object to something else, and have the snapped object moved by an animation from the base object? That would be awesome.


I'd suggest looking at the MirrorBall.nif (SetDressing\LightFixtures\ ), it has several non-standard animations. If it is possible, I doubt it will be easy, since most of the animation methods seem to point at something using the "Name". How would you select an individual connect point?

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snap a wire to a object, and when the object the wire is snapped to moves, the wire snap point also moves with it what im trying to do Vlits.


You can attach a CPA point to a Ninode which is animated, but when you go in-game, basically the snap points don't function(atleast for me). So im trying to see if anyone has a discovered a way to do this that doesn't break the CPA node.


Another thing if you do attach a CPA node to a animated node and go into the ck, when you play the animation with nodes displayed, the connection points do actually follow as they should, its just in-game they don't work.

Edited by ajs52698
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