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NPC armor/clothing annoyance


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Back when I played oblivion if an NPC had gear i didnt like i would just add what i wanted to their inventory and remove the rest. Now just about every npc, even the once who wear basic merchant clothes have the clothing and armor hardwired into the char. Even if you kill the NPC and try to loot what they were wearing id doesnt even show up in inventory.


Basicaly I want to be able to give people what ai want and not have them switch to default or be naked.


THere are a couple console workarounds but none of them work properly.



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This is an issue with followers as well.

After you dismiss them they revert to their default gear. If you use console commands or a mod which allows you to remove said gear they just run around in their underwear even if other clothes/armor are available in their inventory. They are only wearing the armor/clothes you gave them if you recruit them.

Really annoying.

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