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Surival/Primary Needs


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Playing Fallout : New Vegas has spoiled my open world RPG's, Thanks to needing to eat drink and sleep all the time, my time questing and looking for trouble has come to an end. I now enjoy surviving by hard work. This is lacking in Skyrim, I need a primary needs mod, help me not find adventure and excitement. Give me a reason to hunt and cook all this food.
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I vaguely recall someone stating they were already working on a survival needs mod. I do agree there is a need for it. I myself am doing a economy rebalance series of mods that will work great with a mod that requires you to eat and drink regularly.
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  On 2/8/2012 at 8:49 PM, PaladinHoss said:

Lol just get a backpack mod,stack a lot of food in it with a v13 canteen and hardcore survival mode is practicly useless....


Which would be why I don't do those things, I take enough food and drinks for the day and the V13 canteen effects were so miniscule that it might as well not even exist. Add in the mods that increase hunger and thirst levels to more realistic levels per day, and you start struggling fast, needing to make and cook food rather than eat a single Sugerbomb and be good for the day.

Edited by DarthXile
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  On 2/8/2012 at 10:35 PM, Pablosky64 said:

I can't wait to see a decent survival mod. New Vegas changed that point of view of me of games like this... Skyrim feels... empty, with all that food and that cool cooking system, but it's so useless.


C'mon, people! Make this happen! :D


Glad to see I'm not the only one.

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