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Goldbrand, Dremora, and Flesh


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I've played with the CK a bit, but my skill and experience as a modder are both considerably limited. However, that doesn't mean that I don't have ideas. Here are a few things I'd like to see:


1: Goldbrand, and very likely other lore-based artifacts. The only lore-friendly position I can think of to see Goldbrand in the game would be

aboard the Katariah, in the Emperor's chamber which would severely limit the number of people who could access the weapon.



I believe someone was working on a mod to make General Tullius' armor the Lord's Mail, but I'd have to check back up on that.


2: I prefer the forward facing horns of Dremora in Morrowind and Oblivion, and dearly hope that someone will make a model like that for in game Dremora and the Dremora made playable by a few mods out there.


3: Human Flesh and Human Hearts are alchemical ingredients in the game, but not often happened upon. I don't see why one wouldn't be able to harvest the hearts and flesh of slain foes, as grotesque and abominable as the idea may be. Perhaps those with Namira's Ring would be able to harvest more. I wouldn't expect it to be a 100% drop rate, goodness knows enough bandits meet their end having their flesh burned off or taking a sword through the chest, but I don't think it's unfeasible.


Feel free to give me a sanity check if there's any reason any of this is beyond doing or just senseless.

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