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High Res Texture Issue / Help please


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Hey Folks,


I am having a problem and I wonder if it is only me or you as well. I have recently installed the Bethesda High Res Texture Pack and everything is working fine so far. However, I experience one missing texture. When I enter Markarth and turn directly right to Higni Red-Arms stand, the stump there has no texture. It's shiny and kinda purplish blue. When I turn the texture pack off, the intended texture is back there. So either Bethesda messed this high res texture up a little or there is another problem. Do you guys know a fix for this or would someone be able to create a texture for that very stump to overwrite?


I'd highly appreciate that since I want to use high res, but without getting annoyed by the uglyness of a missing texture. It reduces the gaming experience in Markarth quite a bit. At least for me for I happen to come by that spot quite often.


Thank you in advance for any help or hint.



Edited by JayJayAmor
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Thanks for the quick answer. I have intsalled the mod and clicked yes to everything, but the stumb's texture is still missing. Does nobody else have a problem with that stumb in Markarth?


Fixed it.. I should have read the readme and not just install it via the NMM.. Thanks :).

Edited by JayJayAmor
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