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Why is the NMM so important?


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I'm not sure if this is the correct section, but here it is: why do so many people want to use the NMM? I've heard people say that installing mods manually (without the NMM) becomes almost impossible (quote: "deadly") with large numbers of installed mods- but why? I'm confused. I have over eighty mods, and I've had no issues installing them all manually. I just check all of their files for compatibility before hand.


I'm just trying to figure out if using the NMM is worth it. I don't want to suddenly start losing mods and getting corrupted files or something crazy if I don't use it.

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NMM allows one-click downloading, installing, uninstalling, updating, and tracking for easy updates. Easy tracking usually leads to mod authors getting more endorsements because its harder for users to forget what mods they have installed. With NMM you have a list of all the mods you have installed, their current version, the newest version, a view of the mod description page, and a link to that mod.

There's little reason not to use it, but plenty reason not to manually install all of your mods.


Hope this helps.

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Uninstalling is the big one... take it from someone who still manually installs. Trying to uninstall the biggest of seven different texture mods that modify similar textures MANUALLY is just plain annoying. I'll be using the NMM when it's had it's go around with the more handy users and has had the problems ironed out.
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NMM is not important at all, but a mod manager of some kind *is* important for organizing your mods and ease of upgrade/installation.


Personally, I use Wrye Bash (or Wrye Flash if using Fallout 3/NV). Anyway, I suggest trying each mod manager out there and deciding for yourself which one works best.

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