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Creation Kit not loading properly, not saving at all. please help


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I'm at my wits end with the CK already. When i start the creation kit, I import Skyrim.esm and am greeted with a rush of errors, which have been posted here: http://pastebin.com/kN5dL5ar


I have extensively searched the web for others who have found this problem, and nobody has found a viable solution as far as I am aware. Multiple people on the steam forums have suggested that these messages are harmless, and that they can be ignored.

I am unsure whether these errors are related to my real problem; the creation kit does not allow me to save. When i go to save, as the tutorials on the CK wiki ask me to, I receive a warning message stating "You must close all open Dialog Boxes before saving." I have again spent an extended amount of time on google searching for others with this problem, and I seem to be the first since the G.E.C.K. Even then, no solution was ever mentioned in the forums. I am positive i have no dialogue boxes open, I have not even tweaked a setting after loading up the master file.


Before you ask, I have already completely deinstalled and reinstalled Skyrim and the CK, hoping that starting from scratch would solve some intermittent issue. It has not. I have simply run out of ideas short of begging for help on the forums. Anything you guys can give me is greatly appreciated, and thank you in advance. :)

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I get the first message when i start up and usually 2 or 3 more, i get something about the textures as well and noticed i didnt have the mesh for a silver platter i wanted to place!
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I have looked into this further, and have come to the following conclusions: The startup errors are normal, and bethesda acknowledges them and will probably fix them in the future. For now they are presumably harmless.


The saving issue stems from using multiple monitors. I don't know the details but for anyone interested, start up the kit with only a single monitor in use, worked for me.

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I have looked into this further, and have come to the following conclusions: The startup errors are normal, and bethesda acknowledges them and will probably fix them in the future. For now they are presumably harmless.


The saving issue stems from using multiple monitors. I don't know the details but for anyone interested, start up the kit with only a single monitor in use, worked for me.


Thanks for this!


I can confirm that disabling the secondary monitor works. In fact, I loaded up the CK with the secondary on like normal but disabled it right before saving, and the CK still saved just fine.

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I have looked into this further, and have come to the following conclusions: The startup errors are normal, and bethesda acknowledges them and will probably fix them in the future. For now they are presumably harmless.


The saving issue stems from using multiple monitors. I don't know the details but for anyone interested, start up the kit with only a single monitor in use, worked for me.


Thanks for this!


I can confirm that disabling the secondary monitor works. In fact, I loaded up the CK with the secondary on like normal but disabled it right before saving, and the CK still saved just fine.


Thanks, I run 3 monitors on my system and had to disable 2 of them to get it to save.

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After a bit more investigating I have found that it was Ultramon doing it on my system, I went into the options and unchecked the "add move to monitor" button so it doesn't add it to all of the windows and the save works fine now with all of my monitors enabled.


You are an unsung hero of the internet. Multiple monitors is the only way to mod.

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