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World space!


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Hey can anyone lend me a hand? I am trying very hard to create a small island world space for skyrim however every time i try to save the new terrain the CK crashes.... remember this problem with oblivion,I dont remember how i fixed it any help would be appreciated
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Hey can anyone lend me a hand? I am trying very hard to create a small island world space for skyrim however every time i try to save the new terrain the CK crashes.... remember this problem with oblivion,I dont remember how i fixed it any help would be appreciated


What method are you using to try and generate terrain? I'm assuming you're using the "World Heightmap Editing" tool to draw the map. If that's the case, I'm pretty sure the feature is broken. I can't save maps either, and I've heard similar complaints elsewhere. I've also tried importing my own heightmaps, with the same result. You said the Oblivion CK did this as well?

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Hey thanks for responding, yup I've been using the built in world hightmap editor same as you fails to save every time, this used to occur occasionally when venerating hightmaps in oblivion ck but there where work arounds and it didn't happen every single time.
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