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Help disabling an actor

bloody hypocrite

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Hey there,

I'm making a mod in which reading the deed (second bill of sale) for the Goldenglow Estate will actually grant ownership of the property. I've successfully gotten it to add the player as the master of the house and mercs, add the necessary keys, and whatnot. What I need help with is either disabling or displacing Aringoth, the current (intended former) owner of the Estate. Unfortunately I can't access any pages on the beth domain due to some issue with my apartment complex which provides internet access, so the wiki is unavailable to me. Any help anyone could offer would be most appreciated.

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Problem solved, thanks to Teh Masterer. Version 0.1 is just about ready. Posted for posterity:

"I don't know much about Papyrus myself, but I'm sure you can just disable Aringoth in the same script which grants the player ownership of the estate.

You could use either the Delete function:


; Deletes the specified reference




Or you could use DeleteWhenAble:


; Deletes the specified reference when its parent cell is gone




Don't use the Disable function though, because that only stops the object from rendering; it's still actually there.

You shouldn't need to create a separate quest.

Hope this helps. "

It did.

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