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I am torn between modding Skyrim SE or old Skyrim


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I just spent 20 hours since Saturday modifying original Skyrim. This isn't my first time throwing a million HD texture packs at Skyrim but I know original Skyrim is a 32bit program and runs into memory errors that have more or less been resolved through SKSE. However, the mod goal I'm currently going for is something along the lines of Dynasty Warriors meets Skyrim using ASIS, Warzones, Wenches series, Deadly Dragons, and Immersive Creatures (I may be missing a few). I am fully aware that if I jack the numbers up too high, plus having 10 followers on me, the game will crash (though I spawned 30 dragons recently and left it on for 20 minutes without a crash...)


After a bit of research, I am face palming to find out that Skyrim:SE is far more stable than Skyrim. However, the mod community isn't as mature (as in mature software product that's passed the test of time), HDT physics (I swear I'm not doing it for boobs) won't be around because we need SKSE, and SKSE may be needed for what I am going for above.


I'd like to get some input from veteran modders here from both games about the pros and cons of either before I dump 40+ hours more into original Skyrim only to pull out my hair due to tech limits.

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Personally, I gave up on Oldrim by now. Mainly becasue how unstable it is, but also because it became a bit... well stale. I feel like SSE has a lot more potential right now and will develop many new things, as well as in ever-increasing amount of Oldirm ports...


But its true that there are several major mods that I miss (mainly SKY UI) and they may not appear in SSE for a while, if ever... But I still think its worth to move to SSE if for no other reason then for the "freshness" it has around it. :)

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Personally, I gave up on Oldrim by now. Mainly becasue how unstable it is, but also because it became a bit... well stale. I feel like SSE has a lot more potential right now and will develop many new things, as well as in ever-increasing amount of Oldirm ports...


But its true that there are several major mods that I miss (mainly SKY UI) and they may not appear in SSE for a while, if ever... But I still think its worth to move to SSE if for no other reason then for the "freshness" it has around it. :smile:


SKYUI, ASIS and Perkus Maximus are the big ones for me. Without ASIS, I can't pull off the spawn system....(also HDT boobs)

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Personally, I gave up on Oldrim by now. Mainly becasue how unstable it is, but also because it became a bit... well stale. I feel like SSE has a lot more potential right now and will develop many new things, as well as in ever-increasing amount of Oldirm ports...


But its true that there are several major mods that I miss (mainly SKY UI) and they may not appear in SSE for a while, if ever... But I still think its worth to move to SSE if for no other reason then for the "freshness" it has around it. :smile:


SKYUI, ASIS and Perkus Maximus are the big ones for me. Without ASIS, I can't pull off the spawn system....(also HDT boobs)


Haha, fair enough :)

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For me it was a no-brainer.


SSE. Mainly because of the stability and super fast loading times and the overall polished feel of the game. No need for memory patches, safetyload ore other tools. "It just works!".

Some immersive features like the "rain occlusion" or "water flow systhem" are plus points as well. You will also notice that many odrim mods that fixed stuff ingame (like distance overhaul for example) are obsolete in sse.


In a nutshell SSE is a flawless version of the original Skyrim.



So unless you can not live without skse and skyui, and the very few mods which depend on it (most mods use workarounds like spells), there is no reason to stick with oldrim.

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Two factors to consider:


1. Skyrim SE is much more stable and does not require all those memory tweaks.

2. It looks better right out of the download and handles enhancement mods well to make for a graphically glorious Skyrim experience.




1. Boobs don't giggle without SKSE.

2. MCM menu is needed for the great mod Simply Knock.

3. SKSE64 is not yet available.

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Well, if you have the hardware for it - SSE, no doubt.

Stability, stability, stability.

Right now, several modders have worked around the lack of SKSE / MCM and more and more mods have been ported to SE.

Only if you want a very particular mod that has not yet ported - SSE is better.

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