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Colt Single Action Army .44


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Holy crap man! I've yet to do any mods myself, but I would DEFINITELY download this because it looks so damn good....and paired with a 1st person spinning animation for pistols....Oh man my inner Revolver Ocelot is going nuts. I might actually have to do a Revolver Ocelot play through if this mod happens, I really want to see it get off the ground, so I want to help how I can.

While I can't offer any actual modding help, if you need things like banner art/header art for the mod page, hit me up. I don't really have a true portfolio for my graphic design work quite yet (still in school), but if you want a decent look at what I've done with text & whatnot, take a look at the thumbnails and banner art on my youtube page. Hell, I do video editing obviously, so if you decide you want a fancy trailer or something, I could probably do that too.


Revolver Ocelot indeed, zoom in to the engraving on the gun in that first image why not...


In terms of extra art and what-have-you, it really depends on where this goes. If it develops to the point where it's necessary I might be in touch :thumbsup:


Sounds good! I'll be keeping an eye on this :D

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A rail? On a SAA? :wacko:

Though I'd be pretty game for any of that kind of stuff if interest exists.

Gotta say that I don't know that an SAA or for that matter any older style wheelgun (or most handguns for that matter) need an optic...well, okay, an RDS because that's getting pretty popular but primarily on carry and duty guns. I guess making it an option if it trips someone's trigger isn't all bad, but I kind of wonder over bolting 8 pounds of crap on a weapon that already weights 2-3 pounds loaded, especially something as ancillary as a sidearm. It could be a highly practical streak or the fact that I also only play on survival mode; however, adding weight to a weapon that you have to carry all day just makes zero sense to my person. Travel light and freeze at night is also a motto I'm well and familiar with.


But back to the model...just wow. I'm not a wheelgun guy (In the real world I'll take a Sig or CZ, please and thank you), but to be honest that's a damn fine looking model. Even the pins seem to be in the right place and the old school bluing looks eerily real. That was my one gripe about the Colt Python mod. The bluing just didn't persuade me, especially since Colt had the prettiest damn blued guns on the market once upon a time. The secret involved a number of steps, including dipping the parts in boiling gasoline (twas the early 1900s) before putting the guns on the bluing racks for hours. So just bravo sir, bravo.

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  • 4 weeks later...



For those who are interested, I've sent the model and textures over to Antistar to potentially add to his WARS project at some point. If it was possible to simply rig and animate a weapon the traditional way, the gun would already be fully functioning in the game (with the help of shavkacagarikia & WarDaddy). However; for some reason Bethesda think it's a good idea to force modders to download 48 different addons and plugins and third party rubbish etc in order to have anything work. I spent a good few hours trying to brute force my way though the niftools/nifskope/CK etc but from what I can tell I would have to spend no less than ten hours solid to just get the gun in the game at all. I think once you've done it once you could probably do it again much faster but I simply don't have the time. I even originally planned a wild-west acquisition mission to accompany the gun, but I think that's out of the picture now.....Thanks Bethesda.


Any more updates I'll post them here (for those who care)






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Get a hold of people like TrophiHunter, DeadPool2099, Skibadaa, MikeMoore etc just to name a few. Your models look as good a quality as theirs, I'm sure they'd be real interested in your work, its quite exceptional
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that is a great looking model.

really nice texture work

Cheers :thumbsup:


Get a hold of people like TrophiHunter, DeadPool2099, Skibadaa, MikeMoore etc just to name a few. Your models look as good a quality as theirs, I'm sure they'd be real interested in your work, its quite exceptional

I've got some more free time coming up soon so I might build something new and I'll certainly keep these guys in mind, and thanks very much.

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  • 4 months later...

Any updates here, Exacer?

Your work here is absolutely stunning.


Cheers Max,


I've sent this and a few other meshes to some other chaps here on the forums, so it's out of my hands at this point. I don't really have the time or patience to mess with the horrible CK so I've simply passed them on, got this thing in wait as well ---------->



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  • 2 weeks later...


Cheers Max,


I've sent this and a few other meshes to some other chaps here on the forums, so it's out of my hands at this point. I don't really have the time or patience to mess with the horrible CK so I've simply passed them on, got this thing in wait as well ---------->



That is absolutely amazing! You're going to bring a tear to my eye with images that glorious. =P

( ^^ Cowboy to the core ^^ )

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