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Companions stay out of interior cell?

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Is there a way to keep companions from following the player to a certain interior cell?


I have a player home from one mod author I downloaded where Dogmeat & etc. can't follow me inside and block all the stupid door ways, and another player home from another author that's way smaller inside where they come along. Not the biggest deal with say only Codsworth who I can push out of the way, but I'm also using the unlimited companions framework, and I forsee it becoming impossible to move around this small player home once I have more than about 2-3 companions. Problem is I don't know how this works, and I'm not even sure where to start looking to figure it out. Any pointers would be great.

Edited by demonofsarila
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Awesome! Thank you :smile:


EDIT: In case anyone else reads this and this doesn't work, try deleting the NavMesh for that cell (in the Editor ID panel in the cell view window). I didn't test no navmesh + that boxed unchecked, but that might work for keeping companions out according to Elianora.

Edited by demonofsarila
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