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3DS /Nifskope Issue


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Just wondering if anyone has experienced this and if there is a fix.

I imported a warehouse wall, comprised of 3 objects, into 3ds max. After assigning collision, exporting, and running through Elrich - I open it up in Nifskope and the 3 objects are now one BSMeshLODtriShape. If I assign one material to it it disappears, and obviously can't assign 3 seperate ones. Only had this problem with the warehouse wall so is it a texture problem or am I missing something?

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Well, I see what you are saying. I converted the block to BSMeshLODTrishape to a BSTrishape and changed the name removing The particle L you're talking about - I think. (For instance wall3:6 - L2_wall3:6{2} was renamed to wall3:6) and it passed through elrich just fine and all objects were separated. However, when I assign the corgyellow material, that object becomes invisible still. I went through the niftools forums and some others but could find no info on particles or particle _L as it relates to a static. Any idea where to look?

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I Can't seem to make it work. I've renamed the block in NifSkope before importing, tried renaming in Max with Rename objects tool, renamed the material assigned to the object, assigned new material...still the same issue. Thought about just assigning texture in nifskope, but if I understand correctly,1) you shouldn't as textures are applied based on the material, and 2) I can't figure out how to get multiple BSShaderTextureSet blocks after exporting. Is there a lot of alcohol abuse in the modding world? Gotta be.

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