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Whether you guys like it...

Whether is is "fair" or not...

This game was built to work on consoles as well as the computer. Apparently some things that weren't included were because it wouldn't work on consoles properly.


That is the world we live in and believe it or not, Bethesda is not only in this business to make games for gamers but also to make a living and support their families.


The stuff in the gamejam was created AFTER the game's release -over the space of a week and even then it had not been tested or balanced to work in the game proper. It may come in later as DLC but after the way you whiny brats are acting I wouldn't lift a finger to give you jack.


So quit whining like a bunch of 4 year old crybabies and get the hell over it. GAWD I'm embarassed to even be associated with some of you pathetic children.



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Whether you guys like it...

Whether is is "fair" or not...

This game was built to work on consoles as well as the computer. Apparently some things that weren't included were because it wouldn't work on consoles properly.


That is the world we live in and believe it or not, Bethesda is not only in this business to make games for gamers but also to make a living and support their families.


The stuff in the gamejam was created AFTER the game's release -over the space of a week and even then it had not been tested or balanced to work in the game proper. It may come in later as DLC but after the way you whiny brats are acting I wouldn't lift a finger to give you jack.


So quit whining like a bunch of 4 year old crybabies and get the hell over it. GAWD I'm embarassed to even be associated with some of you pathetic children.


Exactly what he said.


Sorry guys, but comes down to the fact that a large amount of the customers of Skyrim are high school/college age. Guess what? They can't exactly afford an $800 computer. They save up for a few months and buy a game console, knowing that they won't have to upgrade it every 6 months/etc. Clearly the people are Bethesda want to give us great content, but it comes down to the fact that they have to sell a game to the majority of players. On top of that, those employee's are under a contract and can't just release content. It has to go through a process. If something is to be "Official" Skyrim content, it has to be approved by publishers/etc. It's not as easy as CREATE -> RELEASE -> DONE


Don't criticize bethesda for cutting out PC players. Bethesda is one of the only companies that gives us the tools to customize the game the way we want it. They have the dignity to say "We can't do it all, you guys can take it from here." And to me, I respect that. Companies like EA wouldn't let players touch their games if they payed them hundreds of dollars.


TL;DR ~ Don't diss Bethesda for cutting PC players out, they are the only company who counts us in.

Edited by Stormcrown
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This is just a copy and paste of a post I agree with


This. Come on people, he said it was one week for an individual person to take some time and SPEC out something. Many times it's a single camera shot of a CONCEPT to show it's feasability in the game engine. It's not like they took this entire feature list, programmed everything, set it up, QC'd it, balanced it, QC'd it again, then decided to put it into the overall world. Having a single scene of a player fighting with a spear doesn't mean that spears were developed by one person in one week.


It's a spec reel for god's sake. Nice ideas... thinking out of the box once the game's released... but that's all it is. Proof of concept.


I'd hoped the cry babies would be gone by now...gods

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5 years to make another carbon-copy, cardboard-cut-out pseudo-RPG action game.


One week to make some of the most creative content in gaming.


I know which one we ended up buying.


This will most likely be my last Bethesda game. I just cannot continue to pay money for their lack of creativity and their clone-of-the-last-game titles. Give us something original. Turn your dev teams loose more often. Something.


Because what we got was a mostly lifeless, soulless mess.


That doesn't sound at all fair. NONE of those were really game changing in any huge way that would make a bad game great. They were really just very nice improvements to very specific aspects of an already great game.


If you really thought only the things shown in this video were "some of the most creative content in gaming" and yet still see the entire rest of the game as a "souless mess", then I think you are confused.

If they would have focused as a team, and not set a gimmick release date, we'd have all of the cut features back that makes an ES, an ES. Spell creation, acrobatics, H2H as a skill, degradation, etc.


Unless Beth made the conscious decision to dumb down the ES by not having those things which I doubt. I say it was hardware and time restraints. A release date they set.


KInd of goes without saying. Of course, there are restraints. Production time was already way long on this game. How many years? And hardware, it makes no sense to focus on the top 1% of those with hardware of the latest and greatest. My PC was pretty bad ass two years ago, but it's smart to not expect me to buy a new one just for their game. I'm glad they designed it to run at least decently on my machine. Still, compared to Dragon Age, the graphics are top notch. I had to tone everything down to medium settings in Witcher2.

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KInd of goes without saying. Of course, there are restraints. Production time was already way long on this game. How many years? And hardware, it makes no sense to focus on the top 1% of those with hardware of the latest and greatest. My PC was pretty bad ass two years ago, but it's smart to not expect me to buy a new one just for their game. I'm glad they designed it to run at least decently on my machine. Still, compared to Dragon Age, the graphics are top notch. I had to tone everything down to medium settings in Witcher2.


No. See, what they needed to do was to spend 3 more years putting in every conceivable thing that every conceivable player might want. I know it's not the best business sense to not have time constraints on the production of games like this but they are a charity right?

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At the end of the Video where it says they give a Week to the Developers to try and do what they want and see how it works, i thought they do that already. :facepalm:


It Proofs Bethesda Whips the Developers for Game day release and then we have to Suffer with Bugs while the Big Boss puts the Money in his Pocket while Trolling us in wondering if we want More. :armscrossed:

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This reminds me of Capcom's tactics with the Street Fighter, and Marvel Vs Capcom 3 games. Sell a game that is good at first, but could have had so much more. Then say " Here is all that stuff you wanted in the first, but now you can buy it for even more money!"
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