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[MOD] Malukah Bard


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Devlopment is live!


Okay CK is out and I will be working to do the character creation, scripting I am new at it and help is greatly welcomed. I already made a first mod and its released on the nexus. CHECK THAT OUT HERE.

If you like this or got ideas go ahead place them down here. This mod is a open fourm. Thanks!



Malukah has been singing skyrim songs. many want to replace the default ones. but I have a much better Idea. I would like this mod to add a working NPC to the world named Malukah who sings these awesome songs. She would wander around skyrims main roads visting villages and holds. singing her music when asked and when she is outside of that village and hold. There will be a lot of suble code I would want in place so I will do my best to state what it needs.


> Malukah only can be killed by player. non-essential would kill the character early in game.

> has a good pathing to each town and village. once in village she goes in to travern and sings there for the night then sleeps in a bed. in the morning she sets off again to the next town and cycles though all the holds.

> When infronted by battle make her run. This is a non combatant NPC.




Starting no info to give. Need scripters!



> Contact, accepted. will begin character creation and Dialougue



No info to announce



What we need:


> Malukahs approval of use

> If willing to do Voice Over for character.

- Character is basic for now. Once CK is out and this mod is still wanted Malukah and shape the NPC of how it looks and speaks to the player.

> the sounds we would need for basic would be: ( verious ones to make her NPC never say the same line over and over again. like if she agrees one time she could say yes, I can do that, okay. makes npc feel alive. NPCS DO THIS ALREADY!

"agreements" ( yes, I can do that, Okay )

"greetings" ( Hello there, Hi, Greetings Dragon born) I would like the npc to "know" the players secret.

"question of request" ( what would you like to hear )

"Battle" (call for help, pain sounds.)

"idle talk" when NPCs speak to her about something she would need correct responces.

" player talk" ( Would you like to hear a song?)







Edited by strazytski
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my mod would be a lot different. it basicly the best mod can be done for her.


also once done with the basic mod if mulakah is willning we could add quests to her!. but depends if I can at least finish the mod!

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Malukah is awesome and this would be a great mod if you manage to make it happen : )


Malukah should look like her too, and have a unique set of clothes : P


PS: Don't forget, in addition to those one liners you listed above, she'll need something to say in the event someone tries to rob her.

Edited by FavoredSoul
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Malukah is awesome and this would be a great mod if you manage to make it happen : )


Malukah should look like her too, and have a unique set of clothes : P


PS: Don't forget, in addition to those one liners you listed above, she'll need something to say in the event someone tries to rob her.



Like " my flute!!!" :P

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If anyone has a idea how to get hold of her please let me know. her contact page is giving me no responces. and I posted on her facebook and twitter yesterday. I am also looking for someone who knows how to script npcs or do diolague
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