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Has anyone figured out how to add weight to arrows?


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I have been looking into a solution for the same issue. Clearly ammo items are now handled differently than typical inventory and do not have a weight property in the game. There is a script type called Ammo that extends Form script. However, that script is empty, and I don't think it is actually linked to any ammo items or extended by any other scripts.


It may not be possible to add weight to ammo items. However, it may be possible to limit the inventory quantity using an ObjectReference script on the player. If that script listens for the OnItemAdded event using a filter for ammo type items, then you could possibly force the added ammo to be dropped if the player currently has too many ammo items. The following is the start of my attempt at this solution.



Scriptname _InventoryScript extends ObjectReference

{This is the ObjectReference script is added to the player to run update functions for the inventory mod.}


Event onLoad()

;This function call prevents the script from compiling



;This does as well


;Even though this is exactly the example at...




Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer)



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