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How do I cap this game's FPS to 30? Please, I need help!


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My laptop is not a bad one, but it seems like Skyrim disagrees. Inside some caves and houses my FPS will always rock around 60 with no issues, but when I'm outside in the wilderness, my framerate will drop 40 and constantly struggle... making the game feel like it's actually running on less than 20. Then the game will constantly bounce around 30-60, giving me motion sickness.


I tried to use the FPS Limiter and I noticed that the game feels much, much better when capped at 30. Sadly this tool has major issues. There's a large amount of screen tearing even though V-Sync is on, the game will freeze every micro-seconds, causing a noticeable and clunky delay and the mouse will lag obnoxiously. I've spent hours trying to find a solution but didn't manage to.


Please, anyone? Having this game run at 30FPS will allow me a much better experience and I can't seem to find anything to fix this! My Nvidia panel doesn't even have the Adaptive option...


These are my specs:
- Acer Laptop
- Windows 10 64bit
- Intel Core i7-6700HQ 3.5GHz
- NVIDIA GeForce GtX 950M with 4GB of VRAM
- 16GB of RAM
- 1TB of memory, 300GB remaining.

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Try this mod out:




I used it myself on my last rig, it worked pretty good.



Sorry...didn't read that you already tried it out....



you should try Nvidia Inspector. There you customize your FPS.


I tried Nvidia inspector, but I have no idea how to use it. I've watched some videos, but most of them appear to be somewhat outdated. I'm afraid of screwing up something since it's a touchy program.

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Try this mod out:




I used it myself on my last rig, it worked pretty good.



Sorry...didn't read that you already tried it out....



you should try Nvidia Inspector. There you customize your FPS.


I tried Nvidia inspector, but I have no idea how to use it. I've watched some videos, but most of them appear to be somewhat outdated. I'm afraid of screwing up something since it's a touchy program.



when you open the Inspector program, there is a small symbol right next to the driver-version display. There you open the profile Inspector. At the top of the new window, you can choose from various profiles. Look for "Elder Scrolls: Skyrim" and customize the frame rate limiter under the "sync and refresh" category, then hit "apply changes" at the top right corner.

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