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Extracting Vanilla NPC Textures and Meshes


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OK so i'm having a bit of trouble... i can't for the life of me figure out where i can extract specific vanilla npc Meshes and Textures

to be specific i have no idea where they're even located

like say i wanted to overhaul the Dawnguard or Thieves guild females, where are the meshes and textures i need to do that located?

now normally i'd just look in the bsa's labeled Meshes and Textures BUT i don't see anything related to specific NPC's so i'm not sure where else i can look?
unless i'm just crazy and am either not looking hard enough or am not experienced enough to realize you can't extract specific npcs

i hope i'm making some sense here lol.

anyway. any help is appreciated! thanks!!!


Edit: ok so i did a bit more google searching and i'm like 75% sure on what i need to do and where everything is.

i THINK at least <.<

I'll post here if i need any assistance i guess...

EDIT: ok nevermind thought i had a grasp on where to find the body meshes but i don't

Help please? :) thanks!


EDIT: to clarify, i wanna customize certain npc's to my liking but i need to know how to find each individual npc file structure or how to create it or whatever it is i need to do


Edited by WrathofOmega666
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