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skyRimGameJam video


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So, if anyone has watched the skyRimGameJam video, which you should have, they did a LOT of really cool things. What was your favorite one? One of those really cool things was clothing and weapon physics. That just made me explode with excitement... So, now the only problem is to figure out how to actually get those things into the game ourselves... hmmmm... what are your thoughts?
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Just seen it myself. OMG is a pretty good summnation. Some of it looks amazing, and not in that 'oh interesting to see that but I can see how it wouldn't have worked' way. They may just have been very selective but it all looks to be fully functional and I'm actually even more disappointed to see these features didn't make it in - especially spear fighting and footprints in the snow.


This the full list:


Seasonal foliage

Flowbased water shader

Killcams for magic

Killcams for arrows

Water arrows

Assassin vision

Guards can relight torches

Paralysis runes

Moving platforms in dungeons

Water currents in dungeons

Dark dungeons

Follower commands (and training)

Favourites for follower


Build your own home

More spell combinations


High level draugr

Waygate fast travel

Epic new mounts (flaming horse)

Mounted combat

Dragon riding

Soulbug familiar

Kinect dragon shouts

Screen space ambient occlusion

Enchanced underwater visuals

Footprints in snow

Verlet surfaces for non-rigid objects

Ice and fire arrows


Lycanthropy skill tree

Vampire feeding

Become a Vampire lord

Vampire imp minions

Giant mudcrab

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