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Skyrim Flora Overhaul


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Howdy folks.


Could you please help me out with this one issue I am having? I am following this guide http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76373/? to work on my new install, and everything has worked out so far, but I am having a distance detail issue with SFO. The trees look wrong at a much closer distance than I feel comfortable with and will ''grow and spring out'' when I get close enough, I have used the billboards to create the LODs but it does not seem to work and the issue is still present while it wasn't in my previous installation.

Here is the IMGUR link to the screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/4KChA


This is happening everywhere and as you can see it happens way too close to the trees, so it is very distracting. Could it just be a uGridstoload setting?

Thanks for all the help!

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