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Advise : which combat mods?


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After a hiatus (since you can never quit Skyrim) I have installed all my fav mods.


There have been quite a few combat overhauls I've noticed. Things that make the system a lot different. Any advice on which one are good combinations? Any advice or experience welcomed!

May the quests be with you!

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Hey welcome back I suggest you Ultimate Combat + TK Dodge.


Very fun to play and more dynamic than other combat mods in my opinion. Humanoid opponents can dodge your strikes, it makes AI behaviour more complex so they dont just stand there and attack your or block. They can strafe, dodge, block, hit.


- low script

- locational damage: headshots deal more damage (main reason why i installed it over Locational Damage is because LD has too many scripts, which causes script lag)

- more immersive: the dodging feature makes combat gameplay more realistic to me

- more challenging: AI is smarter and can dodge right on time especially when you are attempting power attacks


Hope this helps :)

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It depends a bit on what kind of character you are going to play. An archer? A mage? A warrior? Your question is very general. It really depends on what your character is going to be like. Personally I wouldnt install a major melee/archery overhaul if I'm going to play a mage. So please tell us a bit more about your future character

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Longlordone : thank you for your reply. Looking at the mods right now!

Metaforce : A character that uses mostly one handed. I do switch from shield, to magic to archery, depending on the type of foe / terrain. But one handed is the main weapon. I dont mind upping the difficulty as I progress.

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Ok...hm...well. I will just tell you which mods I use for my respective builds. Generally I would advise you to give Perkus Maximus a look. It needs PcaPP patches and also a Java Patcher but the results are phenomenal. I wouldnt ever want to miss it again. Especially since you are going to use a wide range of abilities.

Not gonna tell you about texture/mesh mods since taste differs widely among players and I'm sure you can find a nice sword for you.

I mostly put emphasis on animations and good looks because that is what I like more than different game mechanics. Long story short here are my mods I wouldnt want to be without.



http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59849/? including http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59257/?




http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/34155/? (Dont use it together with Equipping Overhaul...however if you want to see a mages staff on your back I got the best results with DR since EO doesnt do a good job with that)

http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70142/? (No matter what character you play...eventually you will get bored of how vanilla skyrim handles radiant quests...so this one is a good way to improve that)

http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56614/? (Just adding a fresh effect to the same old sword changes the feel of the game..at least for me)

http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/33914/? (Especially if you combine magic with a sword)


http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/16351/? (for Twohanders)

http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/77343/? (Again..the way my character moves changes the feel of the game a lot....for me. Dont know about you...but you might give it a try)

Edited by metaforce
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Wow metaforce, thank you for putting in the time to share your loadout, much appreciated. I've downloaded ASIS and a few from your list. Is Java safe these days? Friends told me Java was kind of security risk...


Ill be installing a few of these equipment mods I think as well!

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Well I'm not exactly a specialist about Java's security nowadays...I guess certain precautions are still valid. Way I handle it is that java is installed but all Java browser plugins are deinstalled/permanently disabled. You dont need those for the patchers anyway. Unfortunately there isnt an alternative, so you either use the Java patchers or you don't use those mods at all.

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