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is anyone sad?


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I have a hunch that your 20 gigs of mods might be why your FO won't run anymore. NV with all dlc is ~9 gigs, and you've got twice that amount in mods installed over it. When you make that many changes to the base game, of course it's not going to run right. I'm honestly suprised that you didn't have CTD's ever other minute when you passed 10 gigs in mods.


Yeah, I know for a fact that it was because of all the mods but after you play for so long you need the mods to make it worth playing. I just can't bear to turn off any of my mods lol.

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I know how you feel. I'm constantly banging my head against my 139 limit :whistling:

Apart from that -I was never much into swords and spells. Fooled around with Diablo, for a few hours. Now it's gathering dust on my shelf. On the contrary, I've been into FallOut ever since I got FO2 bundled with a magazine. Countless hours spent on first FO2, then -1, -Tactics, -3 and for the last year or so New Vegas. The only game on my HDD. Everything else has been deleted. And, thanks to the modding community, it never gets old :biggrin:

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