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CTD when travelling near The Nucleus


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Howdy folks, I'm having crashes in Far Harbour when I walk within 60~m of the Nucleus or go from the Nucleus back out to the Island, was hoping for a hand with this.

Judging by the log it looks like my game's having a lot of errors about a workshop auto repair script being thrown up but I ain't sure what mod is doing that.


Any help would be appreciated



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you have no bashed patch - you can NOT use that many mods with out a patch file


Follow my guide STEP by STEP and please do ALL of it





So I've done that, made the bashed patch, still getting CTDs whenever I try to leave the nucleus or the command bunker.

The log still throws up the same issue about protectronpodstatus and something about a nuka world quest

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Using WRYE, check and make sure this is not happening with the top save, if anything is ORANGE or RED, let me know please, below



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The only things orange are a couple of wasteland ordanance mods which just needed re-arranged. Done that, now everything is either blue or green in the list and I still get the crash. Again, the log talks about protectron pod status and a nuka world quest

Edited by Pancake029
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ok that's a HUGE step, here's what you do


3 times follow this procedure


load the game up and as soon as you can make a HARD MANUAL Save, no auto save or quicksave

close the game


do that 3 times and then test the last save made in game and see if you still have the problem


What you're doing each time you MANUALLY save is forcing the game to check for scripts that are no longer needed.


Here's the problem as I know it which has been tested by myself, Gopher, and a lot of other people. Auto saves and Quick saves DO NOT pause scripts, where as a HARD MANUAL save does because you're accessing the game options list. When a save is made if the scripts are not paused 1 of 2 things MAY happen:


1) A script may fire right before the auto or quick save is made and could possibly glitch it

2) A script is already running and because the game is not paused gets corrupted by the save process


Hard manual saves pause the entire game because in order to do so you have to access the options list within the game. We know that technically your save "should" be good now, but we also know that it was orange, so we know that there was something wrong with it at one point, this may help fix what was wrong.

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Here's what has me puzzled


"DLC04:DLC04_GZSetConsciousOnHit attached to (06029625) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[04/29/2017 - 03:36:58PM] warning: Property DLC04GZMainQuest on script"


That leads me to believe that you cleaned the DLC and something went wrong and the wrong scripts were deleted. What I need to know is this, did you clean the DLC's? OR The DLC's AND the main files? Cleaning the DLC's is "normally" ok to do, but a lot of people make the mistake of cleaning the MAIN files which should NEVER be done. What I mean by MAIN files is FALLOUT4.ESM and UPDATE.ESM if one comes out. The main Fallout4.ESM is NEVER to be cleaned, anyone with modding experience will agree with me on this, it will screw up your game every single time in a manner very much like this, I've seen this happen numerous times before.

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