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CTD when travelling near The Nucleus


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Right, pure vanilla game, coc'd to the nucleus front door, all okay.

Found an odd workaround of sorts to my issue, if I approach the sub pen from the south, over the mountain and radio shack during a rad storm it doesn't crash. However I tried again whilst there was some sorta overcast weather and I got a CTD.

Gonna start on the process of activating more and more mods untill I hit the crash again

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Right, with only the UF4P, settlement keywords, armour keywords and true storms running I CTD'd so I think I found the source of this particular error. I'll re-install TS without the far harbour stuff and see if this ends in the same result.


EDIT: Nada, true storms at all just borks this particular area. Guess I'll leave it out till I finish up in far harbour

Edited by Pancake029
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