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Skyrim CTD


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if your save is orange that means it is broken, this is caused by the removal of mods or wrong load order for that save


there are 2 things you can do,


1) repair the load order for that save by following the list on the right

2) start a new character


When you rebuild the bashed patch you MUST check each and every box that has an entry, pic below




Do not check any boxes if they do not have entries, this includes BOTH the right and left panes / panels

Edited by gromulos
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if your save is orange that means it is broken, this is caused by the removal of mods or wrong load order for that save

there are 2 things you can do,

1) repair the load order for that save by following the list on the right

2) start a new character

When you rebuild the bashed patch you MUST check each and every box that has an entry, pic below




Do not check any boxes if they do not have entries, this includes BOTH the right and left panes / panels




Pokud je vaše uložení oranžová, což znamená, že je přerušeno, je to způsobeno odstraněním modů nebo nesprávným zatížením pro toto uložení

Tam jsou 2 věci, které můžete udělat,

1) oprava objednávky pro uložení podle následujícího seznamu vpravo

2) spusťte nový znak

Když znovu sestavíte náplasť, musíte zkontrolovat každé pole, které má záznam níže


Nezapínejte žádné políčka, pokud nemají položky, to zahrnuje BOTH pravé a levé panely / panely


Better? :smile:


Lepší? :smile:

Edited by gromulos
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ok hopefully this will help you understand, any save that is orange or red is broken


on the right side, any files listed that is orange or red is missing


also, notice i have the SAVES tab open, not the MODS tab



Edited by gromulos
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ok i looked at the pic, everything IS as it should be, so there is no problem there


Seeing your load order spread out like that I want you to try something


make a new character using NO mods at all and see if the game still crashes, let me know

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