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CK - Treat Two-Handed Weapon as One-Handed


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Is there a way to have a 2H weapon (like a greatsword) be wielded and used as a 2H weapon, but also allow a spell to be active in the player's left hand so instead of blocking, the player uses the spell (as though the Player was using a 1H weapon with a spell)? Also, when the player is done using the spell, the animation switches back to holding the weapon with both hands, and when putting the weapon away, it is stored on the belt (1H) rather than on the back (2H).
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You know, I was wondering something similar. Is it possible to wield a one handed weapon, without a shield or spell in the other hand, and have it use two handed type animations? That is to say, is it possible to have them equip 1H weapons that use 2H animations when they aren't used with other weapons/shields/spells. If you've ever played Mount and Blade, that is the sort of effect I am talking about.
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Right. I haven't played either of those games, but that is the sort of thing I am talking about.


Weapon: 2H Sword


Sheathed: clipped on belt like a 1H sword


Drawn (Nothing else active): Hold and attack with both hands (normal 2H animations)


Drawn (with shield/item/spell active in left hand): This is the tricky part: Weapon is held in BOTH hands and attacks like a 2H weapon. When block is pressed, instead of blocking, it activates whatever is in your left hand.



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It seems like you could accomplish most of what you want through some custom items & scripting.


Making a 1H version of the 2H weapons is easy: just duplicate the item in the CK, and set it to 1H. If the character holds it funny, you probably need to copy the default .nif and alter the orientation of the mesh (easy enough to do in NifSkope alone).


You now have a 2H sword that hangs on the belt like the 1H versions, and is held in one hand.


Where it gets slightly complicated is swapping between 1H and 2H modes. You'd need a script that checks when the weapon is drawn, or when an item is equipped. If both hands are empty, then you swap the item for the 2H version. If you equip another item when the 2H version is equipped (or vice-versa), you swap back to the 1H version and equip the other thing in the other hand. I *think* this should work well enough from perusing the available scripting functions, but I don't yet know Papyrus well enough to say for sure or offer specifics, other than to take a look at what's available for the Actor and ObjectReference scripts.


The problem with this solution is there aren't any animations to support it: you'd probably just have the character jumping between the different stances. You could probably create some custom animations to support it, but that's way beyond my current knowledge.


Hope some of that helps.

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Right. I haven't played either of those games, but that is the sort of thing I am talking about.


Weapon: 2H Sword


Sheathed: clipped on belt like a 1H sword


Drawn (Nothing else active): Hold and attack with both hands (normal 2H animations)


Drawn (with shield/item/spell active in left hand): This is the tricky part: Weapon is held in BOTH hands and attacks like a 2H weapon. When block is pressed, instead of blocking, it activates whatever is in your left hand.


I just came on here to bring something similar up as an idea, and then found this!


I really dislike the 'hanging in thin air off your back' effect the 2-Handed Swords have, and would love to be able to stick it on my side. (Particularly with some mod swords I've got installed - Anduril, for instance.)


I'd give it a go, but have no scripting experience. The initial priority would be to get the scabbard/sheathed sword into the one handed weapon position, with equiping something else in the off hand coming later. I hope the first part (being purely aesthetic) would be relatively simple, hopefully, but again, I have no idea where to start with something like that, so any help would be great. :D


I used to have an idea for stances, so each weapon would have one hand and two hand modes, and a toggle button to switch between them on the fly. But that's so far out of sight I don't even know what colour it is. :wallbash:

Edited by radaphyte
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  • 5 months later...
I'm bringing this back up since I have finally found some time to return to Skyrim and have yet to see any mods like this. TO reiterate what I wanted to do, I want to have a sword that is one handed, yet equipped and used like a two handed weapon unless there is a second item or object equipped, such as another sword, torch, shield, or magic. The animations while equipped alone would be two handed, and with another item would be one handed. I do not know how to use scripts for this game, and would appreciate as much help as possible.
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