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Custom Voice Acting, Free!


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Greetings Dragonborn!


I just wanted to throw my services in with the awesome modding community here, however I lack the technical knowledge and skill to create custom playable content/usable items for the game, I can instead offer my talents as a voice actor. I know that a lot of modders are wanting to create custom quest chains that will sadly never get as much attention as they should because the lack of voice-acted NPCs turns a percentage of the population off in regards to playing through your content. Perhaps by lending my voice to the cause, we can get more people running your quests and interacting with your NPCs.


I'm offering my services for free with two conditions. First, I ask that any mod I lend my voice to give me a credit for doing so. Second, that any mod I lend my voice to is uploaded to STEAM's list of mods.

My reason for asking this is that I want to do voice acting as a full time career, the more exposure I get, the more likely it is that this will occur. In the meantime, it means that you get free voice work for your quests and NPCs, good deal right?


Feel free to contact me via Private Message through the forums here, I will be working on a first come/first served basis.


Protect your knees from arrows!


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Interesting timing. I know it was 5 days ago, but close enough. My brother and I are just gearing up to do some voice acting for a mod I'm working on. He already has some good sound equiptment, alas, we are no voice actors. Do you have any stuff online showcasing some stuff you can do? We have pretty darn good sound equipment to use, but neither of us is any good at ... you know... the whole voice thing... I'm pretty sure a good voice actor on a headset or any mic, would be 10x better than some random guy on a $300 mic.


I'm in chat here often and will check PMs. Would have just sent you one, but figured anyone could benefit if you put up some demo stuff showing any advantages of you versus just getting friends to talk into a crappy computer mic :D


Edit: Bonus: I googled "Custom Skyrim Voice" and this was like 3rd result. I picked it cause it was nexusmods, but just thought you might find that cool. I was more searching for tips on doing it best, but this works too.

Edited by SinderionsBones
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  • 2 weeks later...

Could offer voice acting to, ok i won´t do it as a full time job, but if someone wants to use some voice with bad english i would be maybe the right person :D As my native language is german xD

I would have to look into it, due to i have no experiance with it... beside chatting in Teamspeak xD

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