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Lost to The ages starting issues


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Okay so I read the book get the misc quest. But when i get to Arkngthamz and enter katira never warns me to turn back, and when i go to her corpse it has her journal but grabbing it does nothing (Also the quest marker leads somewhere else in Arkngthamz when i enter, i dont know where but if asked i'll tcl and see where)?

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As far as I can remember there is only one issue with the start of that quest. Said issue happens if you visit Mzulft or Deep Folk Crossing before reading Aetherium Wars.


Do you use USLEEP ?




If the answer is no, then install it and try to read the book again (outside the dungeon).

USLEEP contains the Unofficial Dawnguard patch, which corrects that issue. Did you pick up any aetherium shards prior to reading the book? If yes then drop them and then read the book. If all else fails try and trigger the start manually in the console


setstage DLC1LD_Misc 11 (be sure to be outside Arkngthamz when you enter the code)


After entering the code you should get the message "Investigate the ruins of Arkngthamz". Unfortunately if that does not happen and the game does not react correctly to the console command, I have to advise you to go back to an older save game before picking up anything involved with the quest.

Edited by metaforce
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I do not use USLEEP, but i have downloaded all the unofficial patches. No i haven't picked up any of the shards in fact i purposely avoid their locations until i start the quest. And yes i was able to get it working with console commands i just have to go through the stages until i pick up the first shard then it plays out normally. But the reason it frustrates me is because even when i played the game almost entirely vanilla it still happens, its never properly worked for me on PC.

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