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Issue with Compelling Tribute


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I joined the Imperials this time around and I made it to the "Compelling Tribute" quest. I blackmailed Anuriel and received the mission to meet up with the men to take the cargo. I am able to finish taking the cart and report to Hadvar. When I go to report to Rikke the mission will turn in like it's supposed to, but it won't give me the next mission.

Is there a console code or some trick to get Rikke to give me the next mission?

I've reloaded and even tried disable/enable on her which worked before nothing has worked.

Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

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So I take it the quest "Compelling Tribute" is gone from your quest log, right? Unfortunately the civil war questline is one of the buggiest in the game...which is why I usually try to avoid it altogether. Whats the current state of the "umbrella" quest (Reunification of Skyrim) ?

I'd try the following:


1. Go somewhere indoors

2. Wait for 31+ game days


try to talk to Rikke again....If that didnt work:


1. Go anywhere away from the camp Rikke is currently at

2. Type in console prid 198bb and then moveto player (Rikke will appear close to you and should then start walking to the respective camp...after she arrives there try talking again)


If that didnt work:


1. Use the console to spawn an enemy close to Rikke (any enemy works....placeatme 00023aba would be a troll)

2. Rikke should start fighting which should reset her...try talking to her again


Unfortunately....if nothing works then you either:


A. Abort and load a save game before you started the civil war quest line...hoping you dont get the same bug again

B. Use console and enter "setstage cwobj 255" (This will finish the UMBRELLA quest!!! Reunification of Skyrim)


Unfortunately the bug you have applies to the umbrella quest and there is no way to advance to the next stage without messing up the umbrella quest. Part of the reason why its so buggy and quite a few people avoid it.

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I finally had a chance to try out your suggestions and none of them helped. I had to look up the placeatme command because it wasn't doing anything it's "player.placeatme 00023aba 1". The troll showed up, but is didn't reset her. I gave up trying to fix it and just used the "setstage cwobj 255" to finish it. I'll write that command down just in case I need it again. If that command only works for this particular part is there one to complete the whole quest line just in case I grab it in the future forgetting about the bugs?

Thank you for the help I appreciate it.

Edited by Aiyatani
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Sorry for my late reply.


Basically "setstage cwobj 255" finishes the umbrella quest, no matter at what stage you are.


Problem is...normally a script handles advancing the umbrella quest after a stage has been completed. My guess is that very same script crashed/got otherwise borked (don't ask why it just happens unfortunately). Because of that...even if you use a console command to advance to the next stage the state of the umbrella quest will remain the same. Now if you would use a command to advance that I've made the experience that it messes more things up than it actually helps. Yes...I've run into the same problem too and believe me I tried everything possible to get the quest back on track. Was a futile attempt.


Bottom line...either cross your fingers you dont run into any problems when doing the quest...and if you do....too bad....finish it with the console command I've given you.

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