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Need help with a standalone follower i made


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i was looking for some help with a follower i made with racemenu and creation kit. having some issues: wrong eye color, cant seem to fix it. the hair for some reason is slight transparent, makeup and tattoos,not there and not sure how to apply them. this is my first follower i made, and iam lost/ confused. any help would be appreciate. either reply here or send me a PM. Here is a screen shot of the hair issue http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=915505807

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I'm afraid the issue at hand is a blending of the hair mesh with the mesh of the armor/clothing. Its one of the reasons why in most games there is only short hairstyles available, which can't blend with the clothes. If what I'm thinking is correct then the only way around is unfortunately a different hairstyle...unless you're able to make a custom mesh which doesnt blend into the armor.

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