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Best Place to Build


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Just look around and find a flat spot.


If you can't find a flat spot, make one.


Beautiful clearing? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. If you like snow, find a snowy clearing. If you like dismembered body parts, construct a clearing full of them. If you like trees, find a clearing with pretty trees nearby.


Another consideration is what your clearing is near to. If you like to go shopping in Falkreath, you might want it to be near Falkreath. If you belong to the Companions and are always going to Whiterun because of quests, you might want it to be near Whiterun.

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do you guys know of any tutorials on making a house? I don't know where to start. I just learned how to make items craftable and change their properties... so really new.


out of curiosity how do you make a flat spot?

Edited by JSHT21
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To make a flat spot, go to landscape editing. (Click on the icon of green hills under a blue sky with white clouds.) I am not sure what Skyrim tutorials are available to teach landscape editing. If you can't find any, you could go read the Oblivion tutorials instead. It looks like the landscape editing interface is very similar.
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Just keep in mind that the pathing/navmesh is bugged, so if you go to your palace with your follower, etc, leave and do other stuff and then come back, your follower's pathing might not register properly in the building or outside of it (if you navmesh the exterior as well). And the only workaround for this bug is to convert the ESP file to an ESM, and doing that apparently reverts all landscape editing to vanilla (so whatever you edit will go back to normal), at least that's what I've experienced so far in my testing. There might be a way to fix that with the ESM but I haven't discovered it yet.
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